
Cats Drop Down not 2.2 / 2.1 compatible yet

Although featured as 2.2/2.1 compatible by me, “Cats Drop Down” doesn’t work with WP 2.1 or 2.2 yet, only with 2.3. I will have a fixed version online within a couple days, need to finish my newest theme first which is almost done.

I am also in the process of changing my internal setup and this site here to allow for better/faster theme testing, downloads, ratings etc. You’ll be able to test all themes online, just like now, but additionally in 2.2 and 2.1, and on a huge sample site with all kinds of posts, comments, pages, categories.

Just to let you know that a lot of good WP stuff is going to be released here, so stay tuned.

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  1. HDMI:

    Does anyone know if it is compatible to 2.9.2?

  2. URC:

    Is Cats Drop down compatible to wordpres 2.8?
    I want to upgrade my blog soon.

  3. bennie:

    I love what you have done with thes themes. I’m using the atahualpa these, and it was very helpful for me, as I am a new user of wordpress. Thaks a lot bro…

  4. admin:

    @Judith: Could you please elaborate. If you create a new post it should appear on the main page?

    @noneother: Yes, all themes will be 2.5 compatible. I am not sure if the current themes are but if not they’ll be made to work in 2.5

  5. noneother:

    Hi will you be providing wordpress 2.5 compatible sites in the future? thanks

  6. judith:

    hi i downloaded BFA Round Tabs and installed it, it’s working really nice but.. it seems i’m not able to post something on the main page, please help..