

The Bytes For All WordPress Themes are all highly customizable and browser-safe:

Theme Customization through Options Page:

Change colors and layout of our themes easily in your WordPress admin area. Custom options include colors of almost all layout sections, widths of the left and right columns, and size and colors of fonts and borders. You can also add your own header image (if there is any). Your Bytes For All theme based blog can look quite different than someone else’s.

Highly compatible even with problematic browsers:

You won’t notice that yourself because you’re probably using Firefox or the newest Internet Explorer. But you want your site to look good for everyone, right? There’s up to 10% of people who use obscure or old browsers. Maybe a few of your potentially most rewarding visitors, customers, readers, members is among them? The Bytes For All Themes work with IE 6, IE 7, Firefox 2 & 3, Opera, Safari and IE on Mac, and a whole range of smaller browsers.

W3C Validity

This is not as important as code standardistas make it out to be, but if given the choice, having a web site that is “valid” by W3C standards it better than the opposite. W3C validity is merely a test to see if there’s something fundamentally wrong with the code. The big browsers are very forgiving. They render a page even if the underlying code is “wrong”. But search engines are not that nice. Google may kick out a web site if i.e there’s ordinary HTML markup within the head section of a page. This might happen by accident and most browsers would still render the site perfectly fine.

Fluid and fixed width layouts

Most themes you see have a fixed width. It is harder to make a fluid theme. Fluid layouts adjust themselves to the browser window size of each visitor. Web site visitors with smaller screens do not need to scroll horizontally as early as they would have to with a fixed width layout. Bytes For All offers both fixed and fludi width themes, with a focus on fluid or hybrid width (fluid but set the min and max width) WP Themes.

Search Engine Optimization included

All our WP Themes are “SEO”-optimized, without the need for an additional plugin. The SEO features include Meta Tags, and nofollow and noarchive tags for certain pages or links (configurable via the options page).

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  1. I love writing content: Wordpress Themes:

    […] recently found BytesForAll themes (released under GPL) which look good (I like customisation options too). page_revision: […]