Atahualpa 3.7.23 and Montezuma 1.2.7
New versions of Atahualpa and Montezuma are available at and
For questions check out the forum at
Customizable Themes for the WordPress CMS
New versions of Atahualpa and Montezuma are available at and
For questions check out the forum at
Both Atahualpa and Montezuma were updated and are available at You can update from within your WordPress admin area.
Montezuma 1.2.2 is available at
Montezuma Changelog 1.2.2:
Montezuma Changelog 1.2.1:
Montezuma Changelog 1.2.0:
Atahualpa 3.7.15 is now live at
Atahualpa Changelog 3.7.15:
Atahualpa Changelog 3.7.14:
Please discuss both Montezuma and Atahualpa at the BytesForAll WordPress Forums.
Atahualpa 3.7.13 is now live at
Atahualpa 3.7.13 changelog:
Please discuss Atahualpa at the BytesForAll WordPress Forums.
Montezuma 1.1.9 is available through the link below, and should also be available at within a few days.
Montezuma 1.1.9 changelog:
Download: Montezuma (31398)
Atahualpa 3.7.12 is now live at
Atahualpa 3.7.12 changelog:
Please discuss both Montezuma and Atahualpa at the BytesForAll WordPress Forums.
Montezuma should be listed at within 1-3 days. You can also download through the link listed at the bottom.
Changelog 1.1.4:
The following direct download link below is meant for downloading an “older Montezuma, in the future”, in case you need it sometime, or if the new version has not been published yet at :
Montezuma (28998)
Discuss the Montezuma at the BytesForAll WordPress Forums
Changelog 3.7.11:
The following direct download link below is meant for downloading an “older Atahualpa, in the future”, in case you need it sometime, or if the new version has not been published yet at :
Atahualpa (24202)
You can discuss Atahualpa at the BytesForAll Forums
Atahualpa 3.7.10 is released and available at
The changes are relatively small. Changelog 3.7.10:
– changed access to globals $templateURI and $homeURL to support https
– changed documentation about using ‘New widget areas’ in the center column
– get_template_directory_uri() instead of get_bloginfo in /functions/bfa_get_options.php
Discuss Atahualpa at the BytesForAll Forums
Thank you very much, dear Atahualpa users.
Thank you, donors. Without the donations I wouldn’t have been able to put that much effort into Atahualpa.
Thank you, Paul and Larry, for helping me on the forum over at
Thanks also to all the people who wrote nice things about Atahualpa on their sites, and to the translators that provided language packs. And thanks to those who answered questions on the BytesForAll forum, the WordPress forum, or elsewhere.
Here are some more numbers: According to Yahoo Atahualpa is used on over 5 million pages (not sites). Google lists 15.000 sites or pages for “”, that’s more than it shows for “”! (Google returns only a fraction of actual sites for a “link:” query).
Atahualpa has a high keeper rate, too. This is what Otto from WordPress says: “We show 131 themes that have a user base greater than 10k active installs. Atahualpa is currently ranked 5th in that list.”
Atahualpa is being maintained since 2007 and will keep being updated and improved. It will get the long overdue technique for saving assets into the WP uploads folder and many other things, one by one.
Just released on
The preview seems to be not working, see for a preview that is more full-featured anyway, until I have a fixed version up.
Note: The fact that the preview doesn’t display on does not necessarily mean the theme is broken, not at all.
Here is a quick overview over the features:
The auto slideshow for default WP galleries is here:
Being a brand new theme there might and probably will be issues. The theme is tested though.
Note: This is not the old Montezuma from 2007, I am just using the name.
Changelog 3.7.9:
The following direct download link below is meant for downloading an “older Atahualpa, in the future”, in case you need it sometime, or if the new version has not been published yet at :
Atahualpa (24163)