

Atahualpa 3.7.23 and Montezuma 1.2.7

New versions of Atahualpa and Montezuma are available at https://wordpress.org/themes/montezuma/ and https://wordpress.org/themes/atahualpa/ For questions check out the forum at http://forum.bytesforall.com/

Atahualpa 3.7.15 and Montezuma 1.2.2

Both Atahualpa and Montezuma were updated and are available at wordpress.org. You can update from within your WordPress admin area.   Montezuma Montezuma 1.2.2 is available at http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/montezuma Montezuma Changelog 1.2.2: Replaced ‘&get_categories’ with ‘get_categories’ in menus.php Removed redirect to theme page after activation in functions.php Cleanup: Removed unnecessary functions and comments from functions.php and […]

Montezuma 1.1.9 and Atahualpa 3.7.12

Montezuma Montezuma 1.1.9 is available through the link below, and should also be available at http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/montezuma within a few days. Montezuma 1.1.9 changelog: Security Fix Post thumbs were not linked and did not have the fancy borders/shadows. To apply the fancy style again in 1.1.9 save one (any) post to clear the thumb cache, and […]

Montezuma 1.1.4 released

Montezuma should be listed at wordpress.org within 1-3 days. You can also download through the link listed at the bottom. Changelog 1.1.4: localized back end get_virtual_template.php line 52, $frontpage_id = get_option( ‘page_on_front’ ); removed ‘thumb-shadow’ and ‘post-thumb’ divs from postformat.php fixed issue with multiple categories on a post only showing one fixed issue with using […]

Montezuma – New Theme from BytesForAll

Just released on wordpress.org: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/montezuma The preview seems to be not working, see http://test.bytesforall.com/ for a preview that is more full-featured anyway, until I have a fixed version up. Note: The fact that the preview doesn’t display on wordpress.org does not necessarily mean the theme is broken, not at all. Here is a quick overview […]

New WP Theme: Montezuma

A new WordPress theme: Montezuma 3 columns, fluid width, widget ready, options page, Auto SEO features, optional 2-tier navigation for “Page” pages, and some more… Visit the test run and download page for “Montezuma”