
Atahualpa 3.7.3 released

Download Atahualpa 3.7.3 at wordpress.org

There were still some issues in 3.7.2:

Changelog 3.7.3:

  • Replaced (.*) with less greedy (.*?) pattern for ‘custom widgets areas’ preg_replace across multiple lines, too: /functions.php, line 1013
  • Replaced preg_match_all with preg_replace_callback for ‘date postinfo’ so that multiple items can be used, /functions/bfa_postinfo.php, line 191-199
  • New function bfa_parse_date_callback, /functions/bfa_postinfo.php, line 17

The following download link below is meant for downloading an “older Atahualpa, in the future”, in case you need it sometime, or if the new version has not been published yet at wordpress.org :

Atahualpa (13887)
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  1. travaux:

    great theme, thanks for share!

  2. Breckenridge CO:

    This theme is clean and user-friendly. Thanks.

  3. Matthew Maginley:

    Started with this theme in 2009. I just updated my site to 3.7.3 in March, and the customized header is now gone and the images in the slider are also gone. Everything is back to default. Why would there be an update that would require me to go back and redo all of that work? What did I miss doing?

  4. MrsSpooky:

    I recently upgraded from version 3.4.6 to 3.7.3 after upgrading wordpress to 3.3.1 (and the earlier Atahualpa eating hyperlinks in posts). I manually installed the files in a different directory and activated the theme, but the reality does not look like the preview. It’s quite ugly in fact with little to no formatting and it doesn’t follow the format that I specified for the old version. I have since reverted back to 3.4.6. Did I miss a step?

  5. Jonathan:

    Wow, great theme looking theme. Saw it on another website and thought I would give it a try. Definitely will be back to donate if all is well after install!

  6. Julie Russell:

    I’ve just launched julierussell.ca and barkerrv.ca, both using Atahualpa, the BEST theme in the world (I also just donated a little). Have a great day. I’m off to start building another WP site with Atahualpa!

  7. PB Online infoweb:

    Hi there,

    I am using this Theme on my wordpress blog too. It’s great !!!

    I only have 1 problem. On some of my pages I am running scripts like this :

    This script is converting RSS-feed into readeble HTML-text.
    Problem is, the text is showing in kind of a column, instead of the full witdh of the page.

    In other themes it’s showing ok.
    And it other browsers, same problem.

    Is this a bug in the Atahualpa-theme ?

    Can somebody help ?
    Thanks in advance.

  8. aa:

    cool atahualpa…i never see a theme could be so strong~!
    thanks for the convenience brought by you,the author~!

    at the same time i am wondering if atahualpa have any special version for mobile and touch screen device visitor? after all, ipad and android traffic rise up a lot quickly.i tried a wp plugin WPtouch pro,it’s in fact a customizable theme for touch screen…even though it’s not as flexible as atahualpa,it’s ok and still got millions download…so i guess if atahualpa launch a special version for pad device…it will overpass WPtouch easily and extremely popular.

    anyway, great works have been done…thanks again..~!

  9. sj:

    I like the Atahualpa so much .
    I used to use version 3.4.2
    Everything is fine , except : it does not show the images under any “Category” / “tags” .
    May I know which version has this function ?

  10. sincelejo:

    The WordPress software on my independent domain does not allow the latest version to be updated automatically. There is no note about what file might be holding the many many hours of ‘settings’ I put in my existing theme, and I want to be sure I don’t overwrite them with some empty/default file in the new version. Is there some info on upgrading that would allow me to be sure?

  11. ismael:

    I just spent all day figuring out how to eliminate a large page title from the center of a static page on an earlier version of Atahualpa. Now I have upgraded to 3.7.3 and it did not carry over. I understand the ability to cut and paste a line of code into the area “below the loop” is no longer possible. Please, please someone tell me how to do this now?

  12. lee:

    Very nice theme, thank you

  13. Kely:


    Can anyone please let me know that is the theme Atahualpa 3.7.3 is HTML5 Compatible?

    If no, then is there any way to make it HTML5 Compatible?


  14. Tony:

    First timer here. I just installed this theme (3.7.3) and studying it now. I think you guys did a marvelous job. Saw a reference to your Atahualpa theme from another happy user.

    I’ll see if I’ll stick with this and intend donate if I do decide to. 😉

    Anyway, I think the links to being a member at START page of Theme Options should be edited or removed? Are forum memberships no longer allowed? Or is the forum board temporarily down? I’d like to participate if possible.

    Thanks and Good Job! Keep it up!

  15. Paul:

    I have Atahualpa 3.4.9 and need to know if there are any issues to updating to Atahualpa 3.7.3 or special things I need to do or is it an automatic install?

    Am I able to skip right to 3.7.3 or do I have to install each update since 3.4.9?

  16. Ronald:

    I just love your theme Atahualpa. I now run version 3.4.5. and like to upgrade to 3.7.3 using WP 3.3 – Will all my settings that I have made in the Atahualpa option pages will be copied to the new 3.7.3. version. Thanks for your time!

  17. PJ:

    The WordPress software on my independent domain does not allow the latest version to be updated automatically. There is no note about what file might be holding the many many hours of ‘settings’ I put in my existing theme, and I want to be sure I don’t overwrite them with some empty/default file in the new version. Is there some info on upgrading that would allow me to be sure?

  18. Deborah:

    I just spent all day figuring out how to eliminate a large page title from the center of a static page on an earlier version of Atahualpa. Now I have upgraded to 3.7.3 and it did not carry over. I understand the ability to cut and paste a line of code into the area “below the loop” is no longer possible. Please, please someone tell me how to do this now?


  19. Web Development Services:

    Thanks mark. its looking nice theme and now i am going to update my blog theme to new version.

  20. Taras:

    legacy.comments.php, line 60 – an excess “)” in the end

  21. sunny:

    Is 3.7.3 compatible with wordpress 3.3 without any problems?

  22. Grace K:

    Charles: I’m wondering the same thing. I’m running 3.5.3, too, and having a hard time switching over. I am not sure if it’s the lack of “above the loop” styling …but I’m running into major layout issues.

  23. serleon:

    Da oggi si può fare l’aggiornamento di wp alla versione 3.3. Il tema atahualpa (che ho già aggiornato alla versione 3.7.3) e’ compatibile facendo l’aggiornamento automatico di wp?

  24. SERLEON:

    Ma chi ha già installato la versione 3.7.1 come deve fare per aggiornare? Visto che esce il messaggio di errore che esiste già? Oppure bisogna scompattarlo e avviare un autoaggornamento?

  25. Asx:

    Benoit, Click to red link “Atahualpa (507)” after “new version has not been published yet at wordpress.org :” text

  26. Martin:

    Very nice looking theme, thanks! Nice and clean and light, I like that.

  27. Charles Cherry:

    Can I upgrade from version 3.5.3 with no problems? What do I need to do before I upgrade?

  28. Purveyor:

    Hi all, if wordpress still link to the old ver.3.7.1
    change the last number in the old link, and then get the new one, try the link below until the link at wordpress works.


  29. Gardasee:

    Atahualpa is Nice Theme, thank you. Mark.

  30. charlies:

    I will upgrade my blog theme to this new version

  31. Benoit:

    In wordpress.org, only the 3.7.1 is available… Where’s 3.7.3?