
Atahualpa 3.7.11

Download Atahualpa 3.7.11 at wordpress.org

Changelog 3.7.11:

  • fix export issue when WordPress Address and Site Address are different
  • fix small extension of %bar1 and %bar2
  • removed depreciated code checking for multisites
  • added an option to change the default directory header images are stored in.  You can now have separate header image folders for multisites.

The following direct download link below is meant for downloading an “older Atahualpa, in the future”, in case you need it sometime, or if the new version has not been published yet at wordpress.org :

Atahualpa (24243)


You can discuss Atahualpa at the BytesForAll Forums


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  1. Michal Zand:

    i am using now current version! thanks for share

  2. Svetlana:

    I would like to add a php code for displaying a category description on archive pages. There is no archive.php file. What file shoould I edit to make it work?


  3. Jose Manuel García Alvarez:

    Why cant we share any post on facebook with the original title and his own excerpt?
    Allways shows the title of web an the web description.