Montezuma 1.1.9 is available through the link below, and should also be available at within a few days.
Montezuma 1.1.9 changelog:
- Security Fix
- Post thumbs were not linked and did not have the fancy borders/shadows. To apply the fancy style again in 1.1.9 save one (any) post to clear the thumb cache, and reset Montezuma Options -> Sub Templates -> postformats.php
Download: Montezuma (31440)
Atahualpa 3.7.12 is now live at
Atahualpa 3.7.12 changelog:
- added new ‘Center Top area widget’ option code
- added new ‘Center Bottom area widget’ option code
- added option to specify folder to use for the logo, favicon and header images
- fixed issue in ‘multi column/custom query’ template when using ‘0’
BFA Forums
Please discuss both Montezuma and Atahualpa at the BytesForAll WordPress Forums.