
Atahualpa 3.4.2 released

Atahualpa 3.4.2 with 5 changes or fixes, see the changelog for 3.4.2 at http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=2355

Please ask questions at the FORUM

Download Atahualpa Version 3.7.1

I finished this in the middle of the night as I wanted to release this as promised, for the sake of novelty.

This version might very well have issues beyond those mentioned in the thread listed above.

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  1. Hody:

    Hello Garrett,
    did you manage to get the share this buttons showing at the end. I can´t figure it out.

    I installed the plugin at work, used the %share-this% tag in all the byline settings at the post/page settings – and the buttons showed up fine.
    When I came home and wanted to continue my work, the buttons were gone and I cant get them back. Tried various browsers, the code seems to be there but the buttons somehow dont show.

  2. ครีมหมอจุฬา:

    Does this theme work with WordPressMU or especially with Buddypress plugin

  3. D.crakdos:

    I’m using 3.4.2 and I’m trying to customize the paragraphs in the main body (content area) to indent the first line. There are so many settings and tweaks I’m getting lost in

  4. Tim:

    Is there a way to have the comments show up on the main posts page rather than have readers click on the post header to see the comments?

  5. Jeyakumar:

    Now i am using your theme for create my website.. but i can’t add images in footer.. how will i add.. please guide me…


  6. Garrett:

    Uhh … nevermind. I ended up answering my questions for myself, as usually happens 😛 lol

  7. Atahualpa Theme 3.4.2 | DaveDesign.us:

    […] This is the highly customizable template from BytesForAll. […]

  8. Garrett:

    Just tried to add the ShareThis plugin to my site, and after enabling it, I notice that the sharing button doesn’t show up on my posts & pages. Is there a standard hook function call that your theme doesn’t include? If so, I can see why it’s not working, but I would appreciate you including all standard hooks in your theme so these plugins work the way they’re meant to, without having to modify any code.

    Also, normally in WordPress installations, I see an “edit” link on pages which I could use to jump straight to that page in the admin interface — and your theme has such a footer that shows up on posts, but not on pages. Why is that? Why can’t it be shown on pages?

  9. Cédric H:

    Hi, i’m currently migrating to your theme and am impressed by the level of details and customization allowed.
    Nice work …

  10. Temporary Landing Page for SEO Jumpstart | Internet Marketing Success for Professionals:

    […] soon” page with his new logo.  I went a little further, I installed WordPress, uploaded the Atahualpa theme and a few plugins (cforms, All-in-One SEO and Google XML  Sitemaps).  Then added the logo and […]

  11. Warren:

    I’m using 3.4.2 and I’m trying to customize the paragraphs in the main body (content area) to indent the first line. There are so many settings and tweaks I’m getting lost in there.


  12. labro:

    I am belgian (french language)and hosted in ovh.
    I’d like to have a blog and tried to make it by myself but just discovered that wordpress exists (sorry to be so null in the field !).
    So, now, everytime I see a nice blog I have a look on footer and notice it is a wordpress.
    Everything is in english.

    I find your atahualpa theme very beautiful

    I would like to know if it is easy to start from scratch a 342 atahualpa blog on my domain with, if possible, everything in french

    thanks for advises
    Best regards


  13. Bill Masson:

    I have just recently started using your Atahualpa theme and i gotta say that it’s the bees knees.

    Keep up the great work

  14. Håkan Sjögren:

    When I open the site using a category a long article will be shortened and ended by […] . That symbol is not clickable to continue reading.
    See here (This is a testsite before building the real one..)
    The user will have to click on the title to see all text
    Great theme!

  15. Laurent13:


    I use the Atahualpa theme. I want to change the title of the blog by an image that shows the title more nicely.

    I looked in the file “header” but I found nothing. In what file can I find the code to edit the text to replace the title with an image?

    Thank you !

  16. Rudi:

    Hi there how ti remove dash?

  17. sya:

    Atahualpa theme not showing single post pages: “Not Found. Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.”

    I’ve tried everything but I can not fix it. It seems that Atahualpa problem, because if I use another theme it works. Any idea?


  18. Ernani Azevedo:


    I’ve translated the gettext file to Brazilian Portuguese. Anyone can get it from my blog.
    To use, you need to compile it: msgfmt -o pt_BR.mo atahualpa-pt_BR.pot
    If you didn’t want to compile, you can fetch the compiled file.

  19. Geoff:

    Does this theme work with WordPressMU or especially with Buddypress plugin

  20. Jeff K:

    However, I would like to only have the center column widgets on the front page and I would only like 2 blog post excerpts on the front page. How do you do that?

  21. Jeff K:

    Oops…new to this all. I found how to do the widgets in the center column.

  22. Jeff K:

    Have you considered of building into the template the ability to split the center panel of the home page into separate panels with the ability to have 2 or 3 panels across the page which can have widgets placed?

  23. Jeff K:

    Is there a way to add an image to the site background?

  24. phani:

    I am using atahualpa theme 3.4.1 version and am unable to remove the page headings out of the static pages. The home page has the home title, etc.. I have read the forums and one it said that, i need to upgrade it to 3.4.2. How do I upgrade. Do i have to delete the 3.4.1 and upload 3.4.2. If i Do this, Do I have to redo the compelete site again. Thank You very much for the site.

    Thanks again in advance.

  25. JeffK:

    Sorry…come to find out it was an installation issue with WordPress and the plugins. I wish this didn’t happen every time there was an upgrade.

  26. JeffK:

    Having issues with 3.4.2 and WordPress 2.8.3. None of the content articles and pages are showing up but the side bar information is there. I know this happened as well during the last upgrade but what keeps causing this issue.

  27. Ross Lund:

    Same thing here. Any updates? Thanks much…

  28. Greg Sass:

    The newest version on WordPress (http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/atahualpa) is 3.4.1. When will it be updated there? I’m lazy, I like the option to install right from within my site. 😉

  29. jobucks:

    where’s demo of this theme,

  30. Gerhard:

    Hallo Flynn,
    Atahualpa 3.4.2 cannot resolve this RSS: feed://www.kobinet-nachrichten.org/rss/ or http://www.kobinet-nachrichten.org/rss/
    Error-Msg in the RSS widget: “A feed could not be found at …”
    Earlier versions did not have this problem and other sites with implementing this RSS-feed are working too. May I configure something?
    Thank You for this great Theme!

  31. sociolingo:

    Hi, I installed 3.4.1. and thought it was doing OK. But my WP antivirus showed lots of (potential) virus problems in the functions directory. I changed theme, deleted 3.4.1. and uploaded 3.4.2. I’ve just activated it and run antivirus again and it is showing potential viruses in functions again. I can’t figure out what is going on.

  32. Kyle:

    I am having the same problem with the css on the widgets. None of the css options i set are sticking in the widgets. I am also having some problems embedding who sees ads code in the header section it shows in the logo area and before the header

  33. Bon Dobbs:

    I upgraded from 3.4 to 3.4.2 and the options are still showing the 3.4.1 is available. Also, my titles to posts are not showing up on the individual posts. When I upgraded a little while ago, the SEO says “No” (because I am using headspace) but the theme title, meta-title, etc are showing on posts. I am confused about SEO vs. headspace


  34. Matt Gannon:

    Is there a way to make a page without having it show up on the tabs up top?

  35. yhy:

    Hi Flynn,I have two little problems.
    1,the page navi are keeping my first and second post still,and never change.I’m using WP-pagenavi.
    2,I want to put a custom icon before my post header,the url could be called from the custom field.Actually i’ve done it before,but after the upgrading the code is gone.And i forget how i did it.What should i do?

    I love this awesome theme.

  36. Jettro:

    I have a question, it is possible that rss feeds are not working for categories? If I use the feed:

    In for instance drupal, the posts are not linked to the actual content but to the homepage instead.

    Maybe someone found this as well, maybe there is a solution?

  37. jomagaro:

    I have a great doubt.
    I use ver. 3.2 and is very modified…
    If I upload ver 3.4.2 to my site, modifications will be overwrite?

    How can I upgrade holding my modifications on ??

    Sorry for my english, bat i’m from spain..

    Thank you in advance….

  38. NeuroToxic:

    Nice work on the theme. It’s truly inspiring.

  39. Tony:

    Thanks, one of the best themes I have seen in a long time.

  40. Rashed:

    Forgot to say thanks. I’m using this theme and it’s my fav now. It seems to be better than Thesis template (though there’s some similarities).

    Keep it up!

  41. Master Resale Rights:

    I download and installed today, love this them. I have been looking for months and this has to be the best wordpress them I have come across.

  42. jay:

    all my right sidebar widgets having moved to the right inner sidebar..uuhh
    write again..??

  43. David:

    for you widget css stuff i thinks its broke. I do no custom coding on your theme and everything looks great with the update! but in Widget Content Box i have
    font-family: Georgia;
    padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
    background-color: #FFBFFC;
    and it doesn’t seem to be applying. Thanks for the continued work on the theme! it’s amazing.

  44. sjs:

    Can I set one ………… line between 2 posts ? (just like the dot line between 2 comments here) .
    Thanks for your hard work !

  45. Justin:

    thank you, beautiful theme !

  46. Brian White:

    I’m looking at migrating from K2 to Atahualpa, and so far I really like it. One question: Why is it not possible to set the sidebar sizes in percentage? Currently it only accepts units of “pixels”.

  47. leoni:

    Downloaded 342 ok. problem in sidebar text widgets. If I color text in first text box (say blue), then one or more headings in different text boxes lower down also turn blue. What is the purpose of the “Automatically add paragraphs” tag?

  48. Andersreisender:

    Hi! Thank you for this great theme! I like it and use it on my new blog!

  49. Gary:

    I have just done a clean install of WP 2.8.1 and have installed Atahualpa 3.4.2 and the header images will not display. I have made no changes to the default settings. Any ideas?

  50. Alex:

    Work fine. Excelent SEO Theme for me. Good Job and many thanks. Alex

  51. Atahualpa : affichez vos extraits d’articles avec miniatures | Job Alternative:

    […] de téléchargements dans le Themes Directory : plus de 9000 à ce jour. Le thème est passé à sa version 3.4.2 bien que le répertoire WP ne soit pas encore […]

  52. jankph:

    Installed and no real glitches so far, excpet for all my right sidebar widgets having moved to the right inner sidebar, so they didn’t display at first, before I located them. Pagenavi looks better now with colors matching the other link color scheme. The ‘seconds’ in the header rotation settings must be wrong, at 5 seconds it changes every 2 seconds…Apart from that, job well done!

  53. DonCorso:

    At first: thanks for your awesome THEME: I have never seen such a adjustable theme: very very nice!

    But: I´ve got a problem with your template and images. When I include an image, i get always a grey border around it, like here: http://ogz.de/_wp/?page_id=3

    Where is the switch, I can´t find?

    Thansk from Frankfurt/germany



  54. chisao101:

    I cant get the options to work at all. I go into the dashboard and click on Atahualpa Theme Options. That takes me to a page that has all the options listed in a column on the left, and in the middle there’s a button to reset all the options. My problem is, none of the options on the left will let me in. I click, but nothing happens, and I mean NOTHING at all.
    I changed the header image and mine isn’t quite as large, so I was going to center it. That’s when I discovered that I couldn’t use the options. I still have the original header images (3 of them) and I could replace them, but I don’t think they have anything to do with this problem.

    Please check it out and let me know if I’m doing something wrong, or if I’m missing a step somewhere.


    By the way, I love the theme! It’s a great layout, I just wanted to personalize it with a custom header.

  55. Gerhard:

    @Flynn [3] and me [6]: Now it works fine. One of the plugins has made the fatal mistake to Atahualpa 3.4.x.
    May be of interest: It was the Plugin “Paged Comments” (Vers. 2.9.1), the description is, it “breaks down comments into a number of pages”.

  56. Andrea:

    I am in the process of downloading the Atahualpa theme, and so can’t comment on it specifically. I just thought it would be nice if you could give the file size somewhere for download info, as some of us are still in the Dark Ages of dial-up, and it would be nice to know how long the phone line is going to be tied up.

  57. Jeannot Muller:

    Works like charm. Only CSS as external file not yet working. Destroys the layout. Inline works perfectly. Many thanks. Jeannot

  58. Gerhard:

    @Flynn [3]: Permalink-settings are at “user defined”: …/blog/%post_id%/%postname%
    I tried it with the slash (/blog/%post_id%/%postname%/) and there was the same effect. With 3.3.3 all is running, with or without the slash at the end. But I will try disabling plugins one by one, Thanks for the tipp.

  59. Patrick Koning:

    Hi, is there anyone out there who can tell me how to update to this version? I can’t find any instructions on that.

  60. Flynn:

    @Johny: I’ll look into the foreign characters issue for the next version which will come soon, several users reported similar issues

  61. Flynn:

    @Gerhard: I notice that your permalinks don’t end with a trailing slash:
    site.com/page-name instead of site.com/page-name/
    Do you have it like that in your Settings -> Permalinks settings? If you have a trailing slash there, but it’s not being used, then this might cause the issue. I remember that a plugin once caused the trailing slashes to go away from my permalinks once. Try disabling plugins one by one

  62. Johny:

    have some problems with display categories in Cyrillic, how to correct?


    a bla bla bla!!!


  63. Gerhard:

    Hallo Flynn,
    Now I’ve tried to update from Atahualpa 3.3.3 -> 3.4.2. The “Home”-page looks right, but clicking some sub-content (posts or pages) results in complete BLANK page – the sourcetext is complete empty too – there is really NOTHING!! It’s the same effect as with 3.4.1. So I had to switch back to version 3.3.3 again.
    What may be the problem?