

Note: This is a completely different theme than the old “Montezuma” theme from 2007/2008.

Montezuma is my second theme for the wordpress.org theme directory.

Montezuma is a responsive, totally customizable, search engine optimized HTML5/CSS3 theme with various CSS3/jQuery animations.

A little bit of HTML/CSS knowledge is recommended, or at least the desire/willingness to read & learn. PHP knowledge is not required. The hard parts of CSS (layout) are taken care of, you just deal with the fun parts (styling).


(If the theme is running a bit slow it is probably due to various theme check plugins running in the background. No need to be concerned about that. Also, my current host is not the fastest.)



Choose from 10 responsive, 5 flexible and 5 static layouts. On resolutions smaller than 960 pixels the drop down menu is transformed into a select menu and some items like avatars are removed.

Edit & create templates online

Montezuma has a virtual file system that lets you edit and create new page templates online in the Montezuma admin area, without the need for uploading files with FTP. The ability to create physical page templates is preserved.

Edit PHP code online

You can use a limited set of about 60 WordPress and Montezuma PHP functions while editing or creating page templates. For full PHP access you can still work the traditional way by editing templates on your desktop computer and uploading them through FTP.

Auto post thumbnails

Cached auto post thumbnails. Looks for a featured image, then an attached image, then a local image URL. External URLs will not be used, for now. Differently sized post thumbs can be used on a per-template basis. TODO. Use WP transients for caching the URLs as well, not just the image creation as such. I have to think a little bit more about a proper expiration of thumb URLs. Will probably end up deleting all cached URLs on each post and attachment edit.

Advanced post excerpts

Set excerpt length and “Read More” link on a per-template basis, instead of having to set it on a site-wide basis.

Advanced nextpage pagination

When you split a post or page with the “nextpage” tag the post parts are linked and numbers ( “1,2,3” ) are used as link text. This is not desirable from a SEO viewpoint. Montezuma lets you replace those numbers with user-defined text. (SEO feature).

Numbered page navigation

Better than the default “Next/Previous” links from both a usability and a SEO viewpoint. Uses core WP functions. No WP-PageNavi plugin needed.

Auto gallery slideshow

Galleries created with the standard WordPress “gallery” shortcode will get a “colorbox” slideshow applied to it automatically. In the HTML source code the gallery thumbs keep linking to the full attachment pages with the big image embedded, so that search engines can spider those (SEO Feature) while users get the quick, convenient slideshow (which can be stopped). TODO: Provide an extra link for users to get to the attachment pages as well, e.g. for leaving comments on individual images.

Seach engine optimized

The included layouts have source ordering built in. Also, some default WordPress markup is removed for a leaner code. Plus see the other features that are tagged with (SEO Feature). Montezuma aims to be compatible with all the popular SEO plugins like “All In One SEO” and Yoast’s SEO. It is not planned to include extensive meta tag related SEO features, those are best left to the proven plugins. The theme will however do many complementary things  to improve your SEO score even more.

Quicktag buttons

Adds “Quicktag” buttons above comments form. Uses the included quicktags library from WP in a lightweight way. It was astonishingly easy to integrate this, seeing that there are also full-blown plugins for that.

Google Fonts

Add any Google font(s) through the Montezuma backend. You surf the Google Fonts website, copy a single line of code from there for each font you want, and paste it into a textarea in the Montezuma backend.

Adjust allowed HTML in comments

Add or remove allowed HTML tags for comments. A rather uncommon feature but doesn’t hurt to have I guess.

Adjust meta tags

Add or remove default WP meta tags and links such as “XFN” or “generator”. It is a popular request to remove the “WordPress” meta tag from the document head. In Montezuma you can do this with a check box, along with a couple other meta tags and link elements.

Various CSS3/jQuery animations

Grayscale effect on post thumbs, dual-colored headings, animated link mouse-overs etc…

W3C – valid

WordPress creates some W3C validity issues all by itself (e.g. adding rel=”attachment” to attached images or putting inline style tags right inside DIV’s). Montezuma fixes those so you can pass the W3C test. Although the W3C shouldn’t be taken too seriously many people, especially not so experienced ones, do. Instead of complaining about the W3C Montezuma will fix those issues even if they aren’t really “errors”. I understand that this is easier than explaining to clients what’s wrong with the W3C. Montezuma aims to be 100% W3C valid even if that requires a tiny bit of JavaScript (not needed yet). In a perfect world that might appear to be wrong but there’s already JavaScript all over the place, a little more won’t hurt. 100% valid = no explaining to do.

Streamlines WP menus

WordPress prints different HTML/CSS for the various menus, e.g. the category menu gets no ancestor classes, and both category and page menus have different classes than the custom menus created at Appearance > Menus. Montezuma streamlines the HTML output so you can use the same CSS for all menu types. This keeps the CSS small and makes the wholestyling process easier and more consistent. Montezuma also replaces the WP-provided ID based classes for individual items with more intuitive and semantic slug based CSS classes.

IE8+. No ugly IE6/7 hacks.

I realize that in China IE6 is still going strong so I suggest Atahualpa for IE6 support. Montezuma is compatible with IE8+ and does not support IE6 or IE7 in favor of using all those shiny new CSS3 features. IE7 is at 3% as of Aug 2012 according to hitslink and lower according to others. It should be at 1% sometime in 2013.


No sliders yet but they are coming. Galleries already get a “colorbox” slideshow. I will implement a more advanced slider for animating content.


No shortcodes yet. I do not plan to add silly shortcodes that simply replace basic HTML tags. For those I’ll add CSS classes that will trigger CSS & jQuery actions. Much better I think. For bigger content items I am considering shortcodes but I do not want to create a lock-in effect for you. A plugin is probably better in some if not many cases.

To be continued…

There’s more. I will add to this list and add some screenshots.


comments so far
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  1. Jon:

    You can ignore the previous comment about widgets in the footer area — I found the answer (Yes, you can!) in the forum. Sorry, neglected to look there in the first place.

  2. Jon:

    I have been able to add widget areas to the footer. (works great!) however, I want them to appear side-by-side, rather than “stacked” one on top of the other. Is it possible to do this? (easily? I’m not php savvy.) thanks!

  3. gina:

    trying to install font squirrel @font face and can not figure out how to make it work.
    help is much appreciated

    right now it is only working on my computer (font is Espacio) and not on anything I test (my phone and seperate computer)

    Hosting thru Blue Host and thought I would be able to upload to a fonts file in theme directory and that is not working…..googled and have not found anything that works…

  4. Leon:

    Hi Chris.
    To change the theme color, or any theme color, look for the style.css, within the theme files.
    Once you open that file you will want to look for the background color. Should be very simple.

  5. Sebastian:


    got a problem with the Auto post thumbnails. In my blog the thumbs are not in full size. Could someone you help?

  6. themer:

    thanks for this theme , i need to ask about how can i add an image logo to the header
    thanks .

  7. goran:

    Hi, great theme but i have this one showstopper as someone mentioned above about adding -> in front or above thumbs or sharing buttons, i tried to remove it in css but then the moving bar on main menu items dissapears.

    Any help how to get rid of this “arrow” addition i more than appreciated.

    Thanks ! Great theme once more and i’m looking forward to see updated version when it comes out. When will that be ?


  8. Andreas B.:

    The Theme isn’t working with Javascript OFF, it shows only a blank page (even here in the Demo).

    Any way workaround?

  9. haider:

    professional and stylish theme. Thanks for sharing

  10. Profesor Yeow:

    Excellent Theme!!!

  11. Avinash:

    How do we change the index page image thumbnail to be left and the excerpt to the right of the image ?? I tried looking into the code .. but could not figure out what all to change.

    Kindly suggest the changes to be made.

  12. Tuesday Tab Taming – The “In Case You Missed It” Edition ← Sigh.:

    […] Montezuma, the awesome responsive WordPress theme I’m using (but haven’t customized yet). […]

  13. Norbert:

    Missing the VCard and Author linking in a post

  14. Michael:

    Hey guys,
    I am very new to all this and just got my blog on line. I having a few issues:
    -I can’t seem to have the “author” on my posts enable even though they are saved in my profile and my “ALL POSTS” sections says that I wrote them.

    -My RSS won’t redirect to feedburner AND it says my computer is sending automated queries. I can go to other RSS feed that go to feedburner and I an import feeds from other blogs and have.

    -The area where my picture go are too big can I edit the area so my picture fits in the rectangle that is too long?

    -I also can’t add links via the link button anymore. The only link I was able to put in doesn’t go anywhere when you click it. ANd that goes for linking to another post I have.


  15. Lars:

    Can beleive this is a free theme! Responsive layout works well and it is a cool minimal magazine look and feel 😉

  16. K0D:

    Excellent theme. I will use it for my next project!

  17. zu:

    really cool…but sooo slow! could it be fixed?

  18. Iosif:

    How can I display this on the homepage if my blog, under the excerpt?

    if(is_admin) {echo “aaa”;} else {}


  19. nithin:

    Not showing the post thumb in the main page,shows only when i hover it(only in mozilla)
    please reply how to fix this..

  20. Scribere:

    Best wordpress theme ever.


  21. travaux:

    I always loves the wordpress themes due to their elegant looks and this theme is awesome as it will gave cooler display to the portal.

  22. Danny:

    i have an error with WP “Missing required field “entry-title”, please any one help me how to solve this problem?

  23. Antyo:

    the template is adding the arrow “->” styling to list on my site automatically. Now it has disfigured my social sharing buttons with the same “->” prepended to each button.

  24. setiaji:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_page_template_slug() in /home/u338530221/public_html/wp-content/themes/montezuma/includes/get_virtual_template.php on line 95

    I can not open my page,there are an error like above.

    please help me friends

  25. Dule:


    Fist of all let me just say, this is the best theme I’ve crossed in a while.

    Ok, now I have a problem I can not resolve on my own. I know I can make a custom page in montezuma options, so I created new page php file inside montezuma options. The new file is shown, but when I edit the code inside and hit save, it doesn’t save it at all. It just redirects to a front page?

  26. Chris:

    thats realy good theme, clean and simple.
    But i’ll like to change all blue color form this theme to green.
    Im preety new in wp and don’t know how to do that.
    Thanks for any response.

  27. Nate:

    This theme is running fine for me in WP 3.5.1 except for one wordpress warning about a deprecated method: PHP Notice: image_resize is deprecated since version 3.5! Use wp_get_image_editor() instead.

    My fix: around line 221 in themes/montezuma/includes/thumb.php

    Comment out the current line $new_img_path = wp_get_image_editor( $file_path, $width, $height, $crop );

    and add

    $image = wp_get_image_editor($file_path);

    if ( ! is_wp_error( $image ) ) {
    $image->resize( $width, $height, $crop );
    $new_image = $image->save( $file_path );

    $new_img_path = $new_image['path'];

  28. anthony:

    love this theme- my first wordpress site.

    can anyone let me know where to alter the 404 file with montezuma? the one that currently says “nothing found, apologies but no results were found for the requested etc etc”

    i would love to change that but am coming up short. thanks!!

  29. wicaksono:

    Hi, i am a new blogger and very nice to use this template..

    But this day i’ve got a problem, home page alignment messed up when opened in chrome. Maybe the other have this problem too..

  30. darknote:

    @Adam : http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/montezuma

  31. Wes:

    Thanks for the great theme. I have a question about using menu icons. I love that some of the basic widgets are coded to use a unique widget, e.g., recent posts uses the pencil icon. But I have been unable to figure out how to change the default widget icons.

    For instance, I’m using a Text/HTML widget to display the About info and would like to use, say, the star icon.

    I understand (from the menu icon page) how to use the sprite images in CSS, but don’t know how to have them replace the default icons for widgets. Thanks.

  32. Ankur:

    i m using this theme in my own blog http://www.TecGossip.Com
    i want ask something how i can add author box in which author pic , his/her name and bio and how many post he writes ??
    if possible social share buttons to ..
    plz provide this mod also

    Thanks and appriciate your work. 🙂

  33. Arteny:

    Does anybody know what happened with Montezuma forum at

  34. Dusan:

    Ok, never mind, I figure it out, first I tried to change single.php in montezuma options but it didn’t work because i had firewall and bad queries protection turned on.

  35. Dusan:


    I’m trying to edit some stuff in your theme, but I can’t find single.php anywhere, I cant find where you output

  36. JTK:

    Thanks for this GREAT theme.

    One question: When i publish a new blogpost and tick the boxes that it should be in more than one category, in the post itself there is only shown one of the categories. I have looked into the single.php and found the string

    In the “montezuma options” the help text states:

    Displays a link to the category or categories a post belongs to, with ” · ” as the separator between multiple category names.

    But it only shows ONE category, every other category is not shown. Could you please help?

  37. Said:

    This theme does fit my site layout perfectly. However i can’t figure out how to put a header image at the top. Is there a simple way to do using the menu or do i have to edit header.php ?

  38. joekuelue:

    I need to use the menu buttons with a background picture.
    (different images for “hover”, “active”…
    Is it possible and where do I have to insert the code?

  39. Manoj:

    I there two menus?I don’t find it yet.Please help me.The first one even not working

  40. Aniket Oboroi:

    One of the best theme in WordPress, It feels like flash theme. very good and responsive for me. but one issue that is categories are only on top, and no option for secondary one.

  41. anandbernard:

    i use this theme but i got an error
    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/excluvbl/public_html?
    Additional Details
    line 202 is

    if ( $image_src[1] > $width || $image_src[2] > $height ) {

    i just remove and installed it for 3 times but its still the same

  42. anandbernard:

    im using this theme but last day i got an error
    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/excluvbl/public_html?
    Additional Details
    line 202 is

    if ( $image_src[1] > $width || $image_src[2] > $height ) {

    i just remove and installed it for 3 times but its still the same

  43. MonteZuma: Search Engine Optimized theme for WordPress | Green Torrents:

    […] them gallery of WordPress.cog and find Monetezuma. The new theme was search engine optimized,it featured slide show,auto thumbnails of post,advanced excerpt,transparent color picker,advanced two type […]

  44. Aman:

    I am getting a problem with this theme.

    First it loads very slow for me, there is a 1 second lag when the site loads.
    Second this is i want to add tags on the home page after every post summery, how to do it ?

  45. Matt:

    Awesome theme 🙂
    I’m trying to replace the header title with a logo. I’ve tried modifying header.php in the sub-templates directory, but when I update it via FTP, it doesn’t seem to change on the site. Am I changing the correct file?

  46. Shin Kyung:

    Thank you for sharing! I’ll try to use this for my new blog. Simple design <3

  47. Immora:

    Are you still thinking about implementing sliders? I’m having big trouble adding one by myself :/

  48. Don Quito:

    Love this theme.

  49. Aman:

    I feel that this is the best template.
    Using it on my site 🙂

  50. Quote Searching:

    I want to display only FB Comments, rather than both WP Default Comments and FB Comment Boxes.

  51. Adam:

    Are this theme is paid or free and if its free can you give me the download link.
    Adam Smith

  52. New Theme! ← Amped about Web Standards:

    […] today I upgraded to a great new theme – Montezuma that is up to date, and provides a responsive and adaptable framework to start over […]

  53. 16 Free WordPress Themes : HueDesigner:

    […] Demo | More Info […]

  54. Geoff:

    How do change the navigation items? I want the “home” icon to point to my main site and the “blog” item to point to my blog. Currently however the home icon goes to the blog and the “Blog” item is not even hyperlinked.


  55. Frank:

    I think I understand why I do not apply the modifications to the theme. I activated a WordPress multi-site, perhaps the issue is not updated for this feature?

  56. Ilke:

    Something went wrong in my comment. The code I tried is  and also .

  57. Ilke:

    First of all, what a nice new theme, thanks for creating and sharing!
    I would love to get a loginout link into the footer. I tried

     (and also )

    but it doesn’t work. I can put the just


    into the footer.php, but that appears (as a propper link) at the very end of the page, way below the footer.
    Thanks so much for any suggestions!


  58. MRB:

    I, like others, can get the the_author(), the_author_link(), the_author_posts_link() etc to work inside the context of the the single.php template. Is there a workaround?

  59. Jazz:

    Excellent theme.

    I was wondering if there is a way to have the RSS Feed link
    removed. This link appears on top right.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.

  60. 57 Fresh and Free Wordpress Themes | Splashnology:

    […] Montezuma […]

  61. 85+ new WordPress themes to inspire you - Transforme Communications:

    […] Montezuma is a flexible theme with 10 responsive, five flexible, and five static layouts. It also includes a virtual file system that lets you edit or create new page templates from the admin area, without FTP. […]

  62. Neville:


    I have recently started using your theme for my blog and have to say that its really awesome.!! Really Great Work!!

    Just had one question though, WordPress shows 2 positions for menus in your theme, the second one does not seem to reflect on my blog though..?

  63. John Ackley:

    Using Montezuma on a Multi-site install with only a couple of the blogs.
    Any template change i make shows up right away, but most of my css changes don’t.
    I added a google font and set the h1-h6 font-family. That works and shows up.

    However, I also set that font for #sitetitle and #tagline and these changes do NOT show up.
    Also, I changed the font-size in all the tag-cloud tagsize-N, and those changes are not showing up either.

    I also tried in vain to add followme type buttons to the header in the manner of rsslink. They would show up, but the css changes in various.css did not, so button placement was wrong.

    When I do an Export of Montezuma settings, I see my changes, but they are not getting rendered into the displayed page.


    Thanks for this otherwise excellent theme.

  64. Laith Barnouti:

    Very nice themes,,,,,,,,,,

  65. Free WordPress Themes - TemplateJet | TemplateJet:

    […] Demo | More Info […]

  66. david:

    I wish I could add some things to edit single.php as I have tried but I can not see what you added
    I want to add microformats DublinCore and schema

  67. TheKing:

    sorry. cant get it to work.

    the text is something like this:

    a href php bloginfo rss2_url class rsslink title …..

  68. TheKing:

    another try. Here is the code to remove

    <a href="” class=”rsslink” title=””>

  69. TheKing:

    @steve, you remove

    <a href="" class="rsslink" title="">

    from Apperance/Montezuma options/Sub templates/header.php

  70. Steve:

    Ho do I get rid of the RSS icon on the upper right corner? Anyone?

  71. mohammad:

    this theme is fantastic … I never see theme like this … it’s very good.

    I’ve some requset and openion :

    1. you use googlefont that’s good but for me that I want use tahoma that google don’t suport it make some problem . and I shoud edit all font- family to tahoma . is there any easy way to do it?

    2. The Thumbnail image size is fixed about 605*185 pix . when a image is smaller show blank space that is bad .
    is it posible to change the scale to auto size ?

    3. i see in some browser in the same pc the Thumbnail image show in text of post how can solve it ?

  72. 10 Most Eye Catching WordPress Themes For 2012 - Free WordPress Theme Tip:

    […] 1. Montezuma Theme […]

  73. 85+ new WordPress themes to inspire you | High Cross Digital:

    […] Montezuma is a flexible theme with 10 responsive, five flexible, and five static layouts. It also includes a virtual file system that lets you edit or create new page templates from the admin area, without FTP. […]

  74. Sophie:

    Thanks for this wonderful theme. Is there any way to make a page full width so there are no side bars?
    Thanks again 🙂

  75. 85+ new WordPress themes to inspire you | Blue Sparrow Media:

    […] Montezuma is a flexible theme with 10 responsive, five flexible, and five static layouts. It also includes a virtual file system that lets you edit or create new page templates from the admin area, without FTP. […]

  76. noman:

    i am getting this error “Missing required field “entry-title”, please any one help me how to solve this problem? i dont know about php coding, can any one help me pleasee

  77. Derya:

    Thanks for creating. Thaks for sharing. Super worldpress theme montezuma. You are the best.

  78. vinAudit:

    Amazing theme. good design. any updates for future???

  79. Erkul:

    Wonderful theme thanks a lots..
    I just need to increase the number of row in my post summary views.
    I cant figured out.. its always 6 rows.
    How can I change the number of row ?
    Thanks in advance for any help

  80. Ryan:

    Hey…disregard that whole safari thing. Stupid overlook. The other question I forgot to ask is how to keep the sidebar from running over the content area when a responsive template is chosen?

  81. Ryan:

    Just installed last night…sick theme man! having difficulty w/ two things so far. My virtual template (in which i have removed the comment form) is not being applied and non of the css/jquery is rendering in safari mobile…? Thanks for any advice.

  82. Wordpress Montezuma Theme | Geistreich78:

    […] · Montezuma · Theme · WordPress Mein Blog basiert auf dem WordPress Theme Montezuma, von BytesforAll. Was man sonst noch so unter “Montezuma” findet listet Wikipedia sehr […]

  83. Tom:

    Greeting from Poland!

    Simple question: is there a way to turn off that blinking/grey-scaling effect on thumbnail – I just need that thumbnail to be colorful and to be displayed with same dimensions and borders like now.

    Thank you!

  84. Hashem Qolami:

    Hi, This work really impressed me! so I decided to add RTL support for languages is written in right-to-left direction.
    after 2 days, rtl.css is done and Images are also created in a separation folder (images/rtl).
    It was the least I could do, to appreciate the creators of this form 🙂
    The project can be found at:

    Please Notice that Any suggestions are so welcome, and volunteers collaborators, more 😉

  85. pooy:

    I set the advertising when, in the background of the: Mian templates inside the index.php and single.php fill in the ad code, but the execution time can only see index.php ad code, single.php does not appear! why?

    Any ideas?

  86. Ralf:

    Thanks for this great template 🙂

  87. Randal2k:

    Love the look of the theme, love it! Hate the back end, it’s convoluted and way to css/code heavy… If I wanted to build a theme I would have. Worse yet, your instructions are less then user-friendly. 30 minutes in and still my menus don’t have drop downs, yup.. wasted my time.

  88. Pixel Wonders:

    Site Update #2…

    So langsam wird es was mit dem Blog Für’s Erste bin ich erst einmal zufrieden, so wie es jetzt ist. Benutzt wird eine leicht modifizierte Version des Montezuma Templates von BytesForAll. Lasst mich wissen wie Euch das Layout gefällt.   ……

  89. mens-code:

    Hello, I just wanted to let you know that your imageresize isnt’ working. How can I correct this without resizing the images myself to fit. Let me know thanks.

  90. Jens Henrik:

    I translated Montezuma into Danish.
    Please contact me by mail, if you want to include the language.

  91. jp manching:

    no previews :O

  92. lee:

    Hey Flynn,
    Amazing minimalist theme, good going, I have been using the theme on http://fiveremedies.com. Everything works great however the css breaks whenever someone adds a comment to a post. The widget area drops down to the bottom, where should i look to fix it?

  93. Tom:

    Hi there! Thanks for that awesome theme 🙂

    I want to create on one of the custom made pages, list of all files in directory.

    So… I create Main template based on page and add that code:

    if ($handle = opendir('.')) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
    if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "index.php")
    $thelist .= ''.$file.'';

    The sad result is that:

    {) {{ $thelist .= ‘
    ‘; } }; }

    Pliki w katalogu:


  94. ruud:

    Is it possibile to show full post en full images on the homepage?

  95. Birururu:


    I finally found out how to change the menu icons:
    Montezuma Options> Using Menu Icons
    Copy the css code line
    #menu1 .page-birururu > a > i { background-position: 0px 0px; }
    Paste it into Montezuma Options> CSS Files> menus_menu1.css> right between the
    lines starting with #menu1
    change 0px it with whatever number your icon is assigned to and then scroll down to save changes…

  96. zachary:

    I am loving the theme. Very slick and professional. I have the same problem that the comment text doesn’t fit in the box though. Is there a fix to this?

  97. Wordpress Montezuma Theme | Geistreich78:

    […] · Montezuma · Theme · WordPress Mein Blog basiert auf dem WordPress Theme Montezuma, von […]

  98. Vishal:

    Hi, firstly thank you for such a beautiful theme. One of the problems I have is the title of the page has no space between the post title and then the blog’s name! So the about me page looks like – AboutMeBlogName | Blog Name. What should I be looking at to fix this, basically is there any way possible to change the title for the page. Thank you.

  99. Marie-Jo Jones:

    Interesting theme. Well done. Will certainly try it out on a demo installation.
    FYI, when I check theme demo in Firefox 12 on Vista, your Google fonts don’t show up. And on very long title entry single page, the colored image overlaps top WP logo image.

  100. Theano:

    Hello, I would love to use this template for my website and was wondering what it the font style and blue colour used in the titles. I could try to match this on my company name/logo design so that the style does not clash with the rest of the website when I add the logo. Also I would love to be able to reproduce the style and the blue colour in office documents like powerpoint. Would it be possible to find this information out?

    Also, I figured out how to change the fonts for the main text body but did not manage to change the font for the header/title. Is this possible??

    Many thanks in advance!

  101. maytowire:

    Just installed the Montezuma theme! is there a way to add my own custom header? Please let me know. Best, M

  102. Ankur:

    I am lucky that i found out about this awesome theme within just 1 month of its release… Awesome work Flynn.


  103. Nizamettin.INFO » Eylül 2012 Wordpress Temaları:

    […] Tema Demo ve Ayrıntılı Bilgi […]

  104. DANIEL:

    Why Doesn’t embed youtube video not show up in IE explorer?

    And In Chrome it freezes page?

    At Bottom should be embedded video on page using

    //iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/c_u8dbaieKo” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe

  105. dani:

    uhm, is there any way we can except pingbacks and trackbacks from the comment popup number ? to show only REAL comments on the post title’s right side?

  106. harroop:

    Please Please Please ….. Make the update which contains some simple to use this and add more features. Thank’s and I really want to say to you buddy THEME IS AWESOME. I hope you will not disappoint us. soon update new version….. people are waiting

  107. vito:

    I have some troubles
    1. in preview page link is not active and can not operate the line breaks
    2. in preview post, categories are wrong (the post is in two categories, but under the post shows one category which refers not to itself but to another category)

  108. Jan-Ole Hesselberg:

    Hi guys! Thanks a lot for a great theme.

    I’m having a problem on the category pages. Above the excerpts there’s a count of the number of comments and it reads: “Comments and reactions”. This text is vertical and this is obviously wrong. Screenshot: http://tankesmed.no/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Something-strange-Comments.jpg

    Does anyone know how to fix this? (This problem might be related to the Disqus plugin)

  109. Jake:

    Hi there, this template is great. I’m not a coder at all and thought I was being thick because I couldn’t work out the right place in your templates to change the excerpt length. But I see two other peope have asked here so at least if I’m being thick I’m being thick in company. Could you spell it out for us?

  110. Configure BytesForAll's New Montezuma Theme:

    […] is where I beta-test the Montezuma theme by Bytes For All. I ended up having to remove the theme because part of it didn’t function […]

  111. Thomas Moore:

    I LOVE this theme but having an issue. The title of my blog is being cut off:


    is what’s happeneing. Also is it possible to expand the width of the main menu? It’s too short

  112. CldGrg:


    Thanks, this fix works great for me!

  113. Anurag:

    Thanks for the wonderful template.
    But I am facing a problem regarding the name of the author, on the post.
    How to enable it??

  114. Abhi:

    I want to add a hyperlink with text ‘blog’ given on top of the homepage of the template.

  115. horea:

    hello. how can we change the icon of the widgets in the SideBar?Thanks in advance!

  116. 30 New Free WordPress Themes for October:

    […] 29. Montezuma […]

  117. Allan Smyth:

    Nearly ready to publish, great work flynn, i can now stop pestering my mate, only one thing, how do i stick my logo in header. Thanks.

  118. Ad Chile:

    Hola, desde chile unas felcitaciones a FLYNN por Montezuma y Atahualpa (sorry, i don’t speak english)

  119. Nic:

    Hi, I am making changes to the CSS in the Montezuma’s Options area, but am curious as to whether these changes will be preserved if the theme is updated? Thanks

  120. deepak:

    i dont know it is good or bad buts i love its interface

  121. Majed:

    I used it with Multisite option in WordPress and there are many problems. One of them.. the blog will show a white page sometimes when you try to access a page!! Can you update the theme?

  122. raz:

    hi all,
    i’m trying to serve a different version (minimal and less responsive) just for ie7 , but seems i just can’t get the right hook for serving a conditional stylesheet. any suggestion?

    btw, thanks for this great theme!

  123. Paul:

    I added a main template and applied it to the front page and another page. It has no effect on the front page which is a static page. Should it work on the front page? Is there a trick to make it work?

  124. 16 Free WordPress Themes Fresh From September 2012 - noupe:

    […] Demo | More Info […]

  125. Smith-Web.net relaunch ← Smith-Web.net:

    […] About a year ago the server my blog was on suffered a security breach, which due to a poorly written bit of code from the hacker trying to put a bit of code into the files on my site, actually deleted portions of the site. I finally have found the time to fix it. Still looking for just the right theme, but for now I have settled on the Montezuma theme. […]

  126. Ajay:

    It’s very good theme however I found few problems.
    1) This theme doesn’t work on WordPress Multisite.
    2) The RSS icon in the top right corner goes off the side. Even this problem shows up on your demo site.

    Apart from these 2 problem this theme is really a good theme for personal blog.

  127. kb:

    Just getting started and before I invest too much time, I would like to know how to create a template to show posts from a single category. I have used your to editor copy an existing template called category-somecategoryname.php and then gone back to the page and selected my new template. What else do I need to do to get only the desired category posts to display.

  128. DanielMcKay:

    Another thing. Your theme doesn’t say who the author was on any posts. We are a multi-author blog and this is pretty important. Is there code I can change to add the author to the post?

  129. Ronnie:

    How the H do I insert a logo instead of header title and tag?????

  130. Thiết bị đo:

    Thank you for sharing this theme. I like this design very much.This theme will be the most useful for me if two sidebars are on the left.

  131. dani:

    daniel, i edited widget.css and added style for normal and hover for the class of each aditional widget..

  132. Len:

    I’ve figured out a fix for the image feature overlapping the text on Chrome browsers.

    Add this css code to your file, (I put mine in posts.css)

    .post-thumb a {height: 172px; overflow: hidden;}

    If Flynn agrees, or until he suggests a better way, this doesn’t seem to have any adverse effects on IE/Firefox.

    Thanks for this great theme by the way.


  133. scott:

    Hi Flynn. I love the new theme and have been using it, but for some reason the excerpt length isn’t changing when I edit either the function or the theme file (bfa_excerpt_length). Any ideas? Again, thanks!

  134. DanielMcKay:

    Also, is there a way to change the width of the columns? I would like the middle column (where the posts are) to be wider, thus leaving a little less white space on either side.

    Thank you!

  135. DanielMcKay:

    I am having a problem where some users are telling me that the pictures cover the words in the homepage. Do you have a quick fix?

    Browser: Chrome
    Op: Windows 7/vista (I honestly can’t remember)

  136. gabe B:

    Awesome theme, it looks great. Love the different features. I have two questions…

    1) How can I import a header image like in most WordPress themes?

    2) How can I change some of the colors – Text of post titles, color of stars, etc.?


  137. Jason:

    If I wanted to have parent pages with all the children pages listed similar to how the home page does it with posts, how would I go about doing this. I have setup a virtual page template “ParentPage.php” but beyond that I’m lost. I will also need to have some text above it and then the list of childpages. Thanks.

  138. DanielMcKay:

    dani – how did you solve the custom icon problem for the pages?

  139. dani:

    hey, i manage to solve the custom icons problem but now i’m facing another issue with montezuma and easy fancybox which overwrites the fancybox with the auto slideshow gallery popup..
    is there any way to correct this and only show the fancybox and not the gallery popup?


  140. 50 Excellent Free Wordpress Themes | Ahref Magazine:

    […] Lite DemoDownload 12.Simple’n’Bright DemoDownload 13.Retropress DemoDownload 14.Montezuma DemoDownload 15.Bloggie DemoDownload 16.Onepager DemoDownload 17.Lugada DemoDownload 18.Buttercream […]

  141. martin:

    Thank you for such a cool theme! I was shopping for a custom theme, installed this in the meanwhile and never changed it.

    Only one error:

    Warning: array_keys() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /home/beltex/domains/beltex.nl/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/montezuma/includes/image_meta.php on line 34

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/beltex/domains/beltex.nl/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/montezuma/includes/image_meta.php on line 40

    It might be as i integrated whmcs on it but if i google it i see it more

  142. TimJBart:

    In fact, how do I get all the styling options from the main post page, to display on the homepage of my site in the excerpt. e.g I want blockquote styling to display without having to view the full post. Thanks

  143. TimJBart:

    Hi there, great theme.

    One question I have, how do I get the homepage excerpt to also show hyperlinks. Any hrefs are stripped out of the excerpt and just displayed as text.

    Thank you

  144. Jeff H:

    When I first put my list of requirements for a blogging theme together I had no idea this theme would meet practically ALL of them. That was three weeks ago and I now have happily switched to this.

    GRRRR-8 blogging theme. Thank you.

    I have a problem though.

    In the “Share This:” area where it lists the various social networking icons, the arrows pointing to each icon is partially imbedded in the icon. I have four icons – email, Facebook, Twitter, Diggs and there are FIVE arrows. The first one points to ’email’ then within email is an imbedded arrow as is the case with the other icons.

    What, if anything can I do to fix that one glitch?


  145. Chad:

    How do I add footer items?

  146. TheKing:

    The Auto Gallery Slideshow is very promising. Here are suggestions for changes:
    1. Auto resize ( scale down the photo if you have a small screen)
    2. Captions visible ( The caption should be visible in the slideshow)
    3. What you choose in “Gallery columns” doesn’t work.

  147. Heizung:

    I have finished a german translations for this template:

    Have fun!

  148. dmc:

    I just installed Montezuma within the last half hour. WP 3.4.2 reports it this theme is broken. When I go to wp-admin/themes.php/ I see the note:

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.

    Name Description
    montezuma Stylesheet is missing.

    Updating the theme doesn’t help, as WP believes it has the latest Montezuma. I can’t undo the install either — can this theme be manually removed, how?


  149. Jeremy:

    Hi there – I’m a longtime Atahualpa user, but just saw this new theme. Looks awesome! Not knowing much about this sort of thing, is there a way to export my Atahualpa SEO settings (which are working REALLY well) to this new theme without losing SEO juice? Thank you!

  150. sacha:

    Lovely template. I too am wondering where to change the icons that appear for the Page menu items. They seem to all be stars for me – and I would like to select one of the others available for variety.

  151. Boranija:

    I have a problem with latin characters š, ž, č, ć, đ. How to solve that?
    PS. Wonderful theme. I love it. 🙂

  152. Rushikesh Khatkhede:

    Thanks for the wonderful theme !!, i have used the theme here on http://dreamer.in please have a look at author biography in the post the theme is appending arrow inside it. i think it is because of ul. how can i fix it. ^_^

  153. Piero:

    I have Problems.

    When I use Firefox Browser.

    Image on Topic in First page hidden,it’s can see when hover.

    When I use Google Chrome.

    Image on top of text. not above it’s TOP!

    How I fix it ?

  154. Ameya:

    Wonderful theme. Many thanks. Browsed through hundreds of them before i decided to use this. Will i be able to show ads with this theme? I’m a novice at WP.

  155. Vlad O.:


    I really love this theme, but I have a few problems:

    on Chrome in doesn’t show “right”. The text goes under the images and it’s really ugly.

    And, second problem, how can I put the most recent post on the top? Because now when I write a post it goes on the bottom, under the older ones.

    Thank you for the help!

  156. dani:

    hello, great theme, unfortunately i don’t understand how can i modify the custom icons for the widgets i added on the right sidebar on montezuma..

    i managed to change the header links’ icons with #menu1 but on the right sidebar.. how to do it? how can i identify them ?


  157. shobokshy:

    I wanna control the “read more” function by inserting the more tag. right now “read more” is always there. How do i remove it?

    Thanks (:

  158. Heizung:

    Hi, verry nice theme! But how can ich change the language? I used poedit to translate and uploaded the new data. But nothing changes on the webseite.

    thx for help


  159. AngieK:

    Beautiful theme! I am probably just missing what is in front of me, but where is the second location for the custom menu?


  160. bakti satria:

    I got error on every pages in my blog, any advice?


  161. Sg:

    Thanks for a clean and lovely theme! Two questions:

    1. I would like to remove the two-part text colouring in my individual blog post titles. (I would like it to remain in the site title and sidebars)

    I tried changing the color entry in posts.css, the “.hentry > h1” section. Changed it from the default blue to black but it didn’t seem to work.

    2. Is there some way of displaying full blogposts instead of a preview?

  162. Sanket:


    This Theme is Very Nice, I am New in WP, Now I am Confused How to Change Menu Icons, Currently It Display star in all menu icon, if I Set or Change CSS Position of Image for another menu it will goes white, Why?

  163. Sanket:


    I am New in WordPress & Like Your Theme so much..

    I have a little Query for CSS & Template, I want to Change the Icon of Every Menu. (Currently its Display a Star.)

    How to Do that?


  164. Aidil Azhar:

    Hi Flynn,

    Really thanks for your helpful and great theme.. im gonna use it for my new blog..

    btw.. i did try to set featured image when posting blog.. then the image appeared to be cropped and not squeezed into the box.. how should i fix this?

    what size do you recommend as featured image?

  165. Shefa:

    Being new to blogging, this is a great site. But there are lots I do not know. Are there any user manual files (I downloaded and activated through WP)? I want to change the background color and I don’t know what the varying templates are in posts (gallery, standard, quote, etc). There are other things too since I am such a newbie to blogging. Thanks for a lovely site!

  166. Shefa:

    Is there a way to change the background color. I’m hoping to get a linen/beige color so that the white borders around photos shows better.

    Also, I downloaded and activated through WP. Are there any ‘user’ manuals/docs to better explain the site. I am not clear on what each of the templates in a post (standard, gallery, quote, etc) as well as other things – just too new.

    Thanks for making this easy for a beginner! I love the site so far.

  167. Erik van Stokkom:

    Thank you for this beautiful template.
    A couple of things are hard to change for me: the alphabetical order in the top menu (I want it to be in any order I like, but I can’t find a way to fix this)? And I would like to have control over the different colors in the headings on top of the page. That would be very nice indeed!

  168. Mourad:

    I have the same issue with Chrome, any idea Flynn how to fix that.


  169. Sapphire:


    1. The thumbnail or featured image overlaps the text if I view the site using Chrome, though they look fine through IE and Firefox. How do I fix it? (I usually use Chrome 🙁 )

    2. Is it possible to remove the excerpt (or do further adjustments to it)? I was hoping to have the Read More button to only appear around the part where I placed the “more” tag.


  170. Karel:

    I am having a problem with the css not going to the upload folder on my multisite install, I hope it’s some error in your code because I’ve already tried everything to fix the problem.

  171. Alex:

    No problem. Thank you for the quick response. Your template is beautiful and with a bit of CSS knowledge is easy to tweak. I will keep asking questions as they arise :).


  172. Flynn:

    [crayon lang=”css”]#tagline { font-size: 20px; }[/crayon]

    This should be in CSS Files -> Various.

    I have to do some work in the backend to make everything easier and more obvious.

  173. Alex:


    How can I change the font size of the tagline in the header?

  174. Flynn:

    I will add RTL support, give me a couple days

  175. Majed:

    I would like to thank the developer of Montezuma theme. It is so nice and handy.
    But Unfortunately it didn’t support right to left languages as my language – Arabic.

    I tried to put rtl.css in the main folder of the theme, but it didn’t work… I think it’s not good idea to edit the original css files.. I am looking for a way, where I can add a new rtl.css file to customize my theme look. Any help?

  176. Montana:

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your help in providing data and information. It really helps me a lot.^^

  177. Eric:

    Thank you for your reply. I am using WordPress SEO. Based on your reply, I deactivated it, but encountered exactly the same problem. I have not made any editing changes with this theme or, for that matter, any other theme.

    The problem probably is linked to some other plug-in, although I don’t have a clue which one it could be.

  178. Flynn:


    At Main Templates -> index.php, change this:

    [crayon lang=”php”]

    < ?php bfa_content_nav( 'multinav1' ); ?>
    < ?php bfa_loop( 'postformat' ); ?>
    < ?php bfa_content_nav( 'multinav2' ); ?>
    < ?php dynamic_sidebar( 'Widget Area ONE' ); ?>


    to this:
    [crayon lang=”php”]

    < ?php dynamic_sidebar( 'Widget Area ONE' ); ?>
    < ?php bfa_content_nav( 'multinav1' ); ?>
    < ?php bfa_loop( 'postformat' ); ?>
    < ?php bfa_content_nav( 'multinav2' ); ?>


    If you have a look at this, all I did was to switch the two columns. You can edit page.php and single.php in the same fashion, or create new page templates.

    If you wanted to have 3 columns, you could do this:

    [crayon lang=”php”]

    < ?php dynamic_sidebar( 'Widget Area LEFT' ); ?>

    < ?php bfa_content_nav( 'multinav1' ); ?>

    < ?php bfa_loop( 'postformat' ); ?>

    < ?php bfa_content_nav( 'multinav2' ); ?>

    < ?php dynamic_sidebar( 'Widget Area RIGHT' ); ?>


    Note the titles “Widget Area LEFT” and “Widget Area RIGHT” I gave the 2 widget areas in the left and right sidebar. This is how you can create new widget areas. Also note, the “col3” and “col6” and “col3” parts. You can adjust those numbers to give the sidebars different widths. Just make sure each row has a total of 12.


    col2, col5, col5
    col6, col6
    col3, col3, col3, col3

    There are many instructions inside the theme options

  179. Montana:

    Thank you for sharing this theme. I like this design very much.This theme will be the most useful for me if two sidebars are on the left. May I ask for how to edit for left sidebars? I tried to edit using css but I don’t know at all about css and fail every time after editting.

  180. Flynn:

    @raj & @Keith:

    Thank you for the kind words


    Temporarily you could do this:

    – At Main Templates -> index.php remove this:

    [crayon lang=”php”]< ?php bfa_content_nav( 'multinav1' ); ?>[/crayon]

    – At CSS Files -> content.css there’s “img.wp-smiley” somewhere halfway down, in the section “Resizing content” (where it doesn’t really fit, I’ll clean up the CSS some more). Add the border:none; part like this:

    [crayon lang=”css”]
    img.wp-smiley {
    display: inline;
    border: none;

    – At CSS Files -> widgets_menu1_mobile.css put after this line:

    [crayon lang=”css”]
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {


    [crayon lang=”css”]
    a.rsslink {
    top: XXpx;
    right: XXpx;

    with XX being some numerical values.

    I will fix all these in the next release within just a few days, including removal of the top nav. I already had in mind removing that, I agree that it’ll look better that way.


    Have you edited the postformat.php or other templates? I need to add some more info about which function can be used where (on which template). The function that is causing this is used for the title in the document head. If you have not edited the templates, do you have a SEO related plugin running, and if so, which one?


    For the “notify me” you’d need to install the http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/ plugin.

    I am looking into the other issues

  181. TheKing:

    Thanks for a great theme. It is very promising.

    Here are my thoughts:
    – could I toggle the page navigation? I would like the “1, 2, 3, next” only to be at the bottom of my homepage?
    – smiley’s come with a border around the image that is not very cool
    – Where can I adjust the length of the excerpts
    -on the iPhone the RSS feed logo is covering the name of the blog

    but overall the theme looks very nice. I love the default colors and many of the features.

  182. 3 New Responsive and Minimal Free WordPress Themes:

    […] Demo / Download […]

  183. Charles:

    Thank you for sharing this theme to the wp community. Keep up the good work!

    Some issues I ran into:
    -the theme has a horizontal scroll when when viewed in Chrome but not in firefox when browser is resized
    -the comment texts is not contained inside of the comment box – it “spills” out
    -in your demo, there is a checkbox “notify me of followup comments via e-mail” – I couldn’t find it anywhere in the theme setting

  184. Eric:

    Below the title of each post, this message appears:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for bfa_wp_title() in /hermes/bosweb/web174/b1743/ipg.liberationfromthelie/liberationfromthelie.com/blog/wp-content/themes/montezuma/functions.php on line 129

    Any advice?


  185. Keith:

    I have tears in my eyes!! so happy!!Job well done and i am pretty sure there is still more to come!! all the best and once again great work

  186. Raj:

    Wow Thanks For Creating And Sharing So Cool Theme
    Best Of Luck For Great Works 🙂

  187. Sanket:

    When I click On
    Admin Section->Appearance->Montezuma Options
    My Local Host Display Error Webpage Not Available…..Why?
    Any Suggestion for Fix Said Error?

  188. Flynn:

    It’s already approved at wordpress.org, it should be pushed live in 1-3 days.

  189. raj:

    When Is It Releasing Looks So Cool And Sleek Design Waiting For It
    Try To Configure Ath Theme To This Design 🙂