
Bytes For All WordPress Theme 1.11 available

Changelog: Added 3 options to move the blog title and the tagline up and down. This also increases the visible height of the header image. You can easily change the height of the header / header image on the options page, with now 41 customization options.

Now compatible with WordPress 2.3.1, 2.2.x and 2.1.x

The Bytes For All theme used to break with WP 2.1.x but not anymore. The theme is now compatible with 2.3.1+, 2.2.x and 2.1.x. Compatibility with the 2.0.x will probably not be added because the gap in the source code is quite big.

WordPress 2.3.1+: Full functionality.

WordPress 2.2.x: Fully functional but subpages widget is missing.

WordPress 2.1.x: fully functional but widgets, incl. subpages widget are missing. You will need to use the sidebars as they are, or edit them.

Download the Bytes for All Wordpres Theme v. 1.11

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