
Atahualpa 2.2 is coming soon

I should have Atahualpa 2.2 ready Friday or Saturday, in worst case Sunday 8-24-2008. Basically all remaining issues and suggestions that were brought up in the comments of the release post for Atahualpa 2.0 / 2.01 will have been dealt with.

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  1. Chair:

    Hi there
    My Atahualpa test install has reverted to Times New Roman – no matter what options I select in the options page. Is anyone else seeing this or have I broken it myself? 🙂

  2. Oracle:

    @admin: Thanks. I just figured it out. 🙂

  3. admin:

    @Oracle #24

    A date button is not included in v. 3.0, maybe in 3.1.
    Shouldn’t be too hard to add it manually though

  4. Oracle:

    @admin: Would you be adding option to put a date button in front of the post title?

    Thanks again!

  5. Oracle:

    Great thx! I can’t wait 🙂

  6. admin:

    @Oracle: Both #20 and #21 are options in version 3.0 which I hope to release this week

  7. Oracle:


    I was trying to move the menu bar below the Logo instead. So I have this under


    <a href=”/” title=””>Home

    However, the headerimage-top of the header combined with the default headerimage-bottom of the menu bar so the divider image shown as doubled. Is there any way I can remove one of them so that the two lines won’t collide together?


  8. Oracle:

    Is there a way to define background color just for the widgets in the sidebars?

    Thanks for the help in advance!

  9. Curtis B.:


    Thank You! That did the trick. Appreciate it!!

    Curtis B.

  10. Flynn:

    @Curtis B.: Change the color values in this, in style.php:

    #outer-column-container {
    	border-left: solid <?php echo $ata_leftcolumn_width; ?>em #fff;
    	border-right: solid <?php echo $ata_rightcolumn_width; ?>em #fff;
  11. Curtis B.:

    I have spent some time with the Atahualpa style sheet and have been able to change the background color on almost all div’s except the two sidebars. I would be anxiously awaiting your new version you are speaking of where it will be “significantly easier” to change the colors, but I have tweaked the .css and php code so much, I think it’s no going back. A new version would overwrite too much of my work.

    Could you be so kind as to let me know just how to change both of these. I was able to change the color in the widgets in the sidebar 1, but not underneath… the part that extends down where future widgets would be placed. And have had no luck so far changing the color in sidebar 2.

    Thanks you. 🙂

  12. admin:

    @Lee Negri: CUT this from header.php:

    <?php if ($ata_show_top_menu_bar == "Yes" ) { ?>
    <div class="clearfix" id="modernbricksmenu">
    <li class="page_item"><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>">Home</a></li>
    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1' ); ?>
    <div style="clear: both"></div>
    <?php } // END: If Show Menu Bar ?>

    and PASTE it right before the very last


    at the bottom of header.php

    To make the menu tab touch the bottom of the header image, remove this from the bottom of header.php:

    <div id="headerimage-bottom">&nbsp;</div>

  13. Lee Negri:

    I hope this is the right place to post this – I love your theme and can not wait until I am finished with the design but I need to move the navigation plane under the header rather then above it. Can you direct me to a link that explains this or email me the code/solution.

    Thank you so much – I have been searching for a couple hours online and cannot find it.

  14. admin:

    @Twitter: I am sorry that I didn’t get back to you earlier, the post titles can now be set on the options page, and as for separating the posts: The post section as a unit is defined in style.css in the main section “POST BODY”, should be between lines 215-235

    To put a line below each post you would edit

    .post {
    margin-bottom: 20px;

    to something like

    .post {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #000;


    .post {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #000;

    padding-bottom: space between post and the line
    margin-bottom: space between the line and the next post area

    I have not tested how that would look like. You may have to play around with the values for padding-bottom and margin-bottom. Also, the last post (on an archive, category, tag etc… page) is defined by the section in style.css that starts with “.post-last”. It’s right below the “.post” section

  15. Bean:

    It’s sunday! Waiting eagerly

  16. admin:

    @Jenn: This was discussed here http://wordpress.bytesforall.com/?p=51 (See comments 20, 22, 23 and 24)

    The new version 2.2 which I’ll release tomorrow will not have that hardcoded area in the right sidebar anymore.

  17. admin:

    @Matt: I will need until Sunday but will not delay further than that

  18. Jenn:

    hi. love the themes! however i am trying to add two widgets from widget box. and put them on top corner of each side bar. can some one please help me? the widgets appear, but only half way down the page. i need them at the very top of each sidebar.
    way cool themes. thank you

  19. Matt:

    Hi. Is Atahualpa 2.2 looking like it will be soon today… or is it feeling like tomorrow or later? I’m trying to gauge how often to come back and hit refresh in the next several hours. 🙂

  20. admin:

    @Robbo: Version 2.2 will have an option to remove them

  21. Twister:

    Thank you, can’t wait for version 2.2!

  22. Robbo:

    Love the site but am hoping for one thing.
    Can the grey bars/blocks before all the comments in both side bars be removed? Or an option included to do so?



  23. admin:

    @Twister: Let me release version 2.2 in one days or two and I’ll give you instructions based on that new version. The line numbers etc. will be different.

  24. Twister:

    Sorry, forgot to say great design!! Oh and can I change the font colour of the post heading, some of my readers have difficulty reading grey with a white background.

  25. Twister:

    Is there any way of adding a post splitter? i.e. so underneath each post there is a line seperating it from the next something like this,

    Post 1
    Post 2
    Post 3

  26. admin:

    @John Adams: I hope to be able to release Montezuma 2.0 within 2 weeks. Most features and fixes will be cut & paste from Atahualpa but I need to work on my own sites for 1-2 weeks in between that’s why I unfortunately cannot release a new Montezuma version earlier.

  27. John Adams:

    Hi! Can you give us a tentative date for the released of the new version of Montezuma?