
Changing colors in Atahualpa 2, and whatโ€™s coming next

I will have to postpone the custom color stylesheet because Atahualpa may be getting some color related changes under the hood. Sorry

Other things I am working on, in no particular order:

  • A new theme, very solid and browser-safe, 2-3 col fluid width with minimal design footprint as a base to build your own theme, or to use as is. No options page, no javascript, no images, no custom functions, but widget & Gravatar ready. The whole theme is only around 10 kb big and consists of only 4 files (index.php, comments.php, functions.php and style.css) instead of the ~20 files a WP Theme usually has.
  • Update for “Montezuma” with a lot of color options and probably a few jquery javascript effects and maybe multi page options page.
  • Update for “Cats Drop Down“, more focus on Adwords ads automation.
  • The theme that this site is currently running on is a new theme that I’ll release soon. It has dynamic flash blog titles and optionally sidebar titles too, 28 flashified fonts included in the theme. It’s all transparent to search engines and no-flash-no-javascript users. Those, and the search engines, will see the regular h1 / h3 html titles. Multi page options page, multi level drop down/fly out menus, rotating headers and some more. It’s not finished yet in its current state as you see it right now.
  • Another Atahualpa update will come at some point but among all the little possible improvements I collected so far nothing serious has emerged yet so there’s no hurry. And I certainly don’t want to make another release every other day. Leave the sidebar contents enough room to breathe and follow the instructions regarding min-width setting (options page) and there should be no issues.
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  1. Dennis:

    Dear Flynn

    With regards to breadcrumbs, where can i insert the code required. I do not find page single.php or page.php anymore for yhe Atahualpa Theme

  2. Joe:

    I’m trying to change the color of the post title. I’ve been able to do everything else relatively easily.

    Thanks for your great theme.

  3. Kim A:

    Love the theme. So easy to use! Thank you! Thank you! I am having trouble changing the title color within the body (ex. Home, About us). Can you help? Thank you again! Very, very impressed.

  4. Nina:

    I’m a newbie to this… could you please advise on how I change the background color of a page?

  5. Mark Donohoe:

    Great theme. I’m liking it a lot. One thing I want to change is the gray square box in front of items in the sidebars. I have been browsing the source and css and such but can’t seem to find it. I’m a php programmer and am learning more about layout and css….

    I just put up this theme so was amazed to see that there are a lot of newer versions…. obviously I have more to explore here. Thanks again for your work.

  6. janetruth:

    Hi –

    I can’t tell you how much I love you theme. I’m a nontechnical user. I’m encountering a really basic and hopefully easily solved problem. I’m trying to create a page hierarchy. I created a sub-level page, established the page parent and nothing happens. The sub-level page does not appear (except in preview mode). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks again for such an easy to use and versatile tool.

  7. Ghost:

    Hello i like your Theme and iam waiting for the 3rd version so i can finally change my background image.

    But i have 1 little question.

    I want to put a subscribe text next to my rss button and the date like you did here.

    My Rss Button just look like this:


  8. MrPete:

    Please give me a yell if you’d like a beta test of your rev 3 theme. I’m back to working on some upgrades, etc… glad to help a bit if I can.


  9. Jessie:

    I have 4 q’s and they are very important to us as they follow our new business strategies:

    1) I am getting a box embedded in my homepage called โ€œGoogle Search Resultsโ€ (only on IE). Is this something I can turn off in the theme options?

    2) Is there a way to make commenting do-follow?

    3) I would like to move the search box on the top right of the theme somewhere on either column. I simply copied the code in the header and it didnโ€™t work.

    4) How can I make the home page NOT show the sidebars on it?

    Thanks for helping us with these q’s, Flynn.

  10. Jussi:

    What a great theme. I’d like to use it for a site with finnish and english content. I think my problem is same as ToniMarony’s question ^

    Is there support for finnish language and its scandinavic letters? Scandinavic letters dont show with atahualpa theme. When I save a page/post, everything seems to be fine but when I hit ‘visit site’, only english letters show up. Actually, if there were english letters after scandinavic letters, they wont show on the page.

    I tried searching wp:s forums but i didnt find any topics on this issue.

  11. Bryan B.:

    Love this theme, it’s rocking!

    I was able to center the post titles per one of your previous answers, but how would I go about centering the post information below each post (date, category, comments etc.)?

    Also, I’d love to be able to center the page links in the top menu bar as well.



  12. ToniMarony:

    I like the atahualpa-theme and would like to use it on a german blog. Is there any chance to get a localized version soon? Would be great.

  13. Eduarda:

    Same as KB, moving the search and RSS icon to sidebar would be great, and also would like to put the header scroll image on top of the page. Do not need the logo box, but I am kind of new at this and do not want to erase anything in templates, just change or make them invisible.
    Thanks for the Theme and will leave you a note to visit when it is built.

  14. Mike:

    I figured out (remembered) that WordPress doesn’t like capital letters in the file name. It is working now.

  15. Mike:

    I have tried to add header images but they don’t show. I even
    deleted one of the images preloaded and labeled my new image
    with the same name. It just shows a blank image. Any idea what I
    am doing wrong?

  16. KB:

    Would it be difficult for me to move the RSS button and search box into the sidebar? I’d like to have the header image, but not the logo area above it.

  17. Joe Lafferty:

    brilliant Flynn,

  18. Flynn:

    @Joe Lafferty: That is included in the next version that I am about to release very soon

  19. Joe Lafferty:

    love the theme, but one thing my web designer / guru has suggested is to have the ablity to set a max with as well as a min in the theme.
    i have a 1900 pix on my MacBook pro and the exthernal monitor i have and it does look a bit wiered hwen it gets too wide.
    i’ll have a mess around and see if i can do it, but i’m not sure how!!
    what do you think?

  20. Jessie:

    Works beautiful. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Paula:

    Thank you Flynn!

    Appreciate it! Hadn’t seen that earlier thread.


  22. Flynn:

    @Jessie: The best place for a breadcrumb would probably be the top of the middle column or below the header image.


    Always after

    <div class="inside">

    in single.php, page.php, and perhaps archive.php and search.php if the plugin handles categories, archives and search, too


    Right after

    <div id="headerimage-bottom">&nbsp;</div>

    in header.php


    Right before

    <div class="entry">

    in single.php and page.php

    Re: Donation: I have a donate button at the top right of every page

  23. Jessie:

    Thanks. I’m sorry, Flynn, but it doesn’t look good there ๐Ÿ™

    If I want to paste it directly below the “page title or post title” instead, where would I put the code?

    And do you have a donation area??

  24. Flynn:

    @Jessie: I have not used that one yet, but this one http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/breadcrumb-navxt/

    A breadcrumb is not included in the theme.

    To put it into the left sidebar, put it into sidebar.php, right after this (should be in line 7):

    <?php if ($ata_leftcolumn_width != 0) { ?>
  25. Flynn:

    @Paula: See http://wordpress.bytesforall.com/?p=55#comment-4449

  26. Flynn:

    @Chris: I hope to release it this weekend, probably Sunday. I will try to include localization and a German language file.

  27. Jessie:

    I’d like to use breadcrumbs and the yoast plugin said to put the following code in the theme, but have tried to put it in the index.php page (this is just a guessing game to me).

    So, if I’d like it to show up in the left column, where would I put the following code?

    <?php if ( function_exists(‘yoast_breadcrumb’) ) {
    } ?>

    Also, is there a theme option to turn on breadcrumbs to show up in the page title at the top of the browser? If not, do you know a plugin that does this?

    Let me know when I’m pushing the boundaries and who to talk with (ie. if I should go directly to the plugin developer, or this should be posted to the WP forums).

    Thank you!!

  28. Paula:

    Love the theme. I am running into 1 problem that has me stumped though. I am using the 3 column layout with the 2 sidebars. I want to get the background color of the sidebars to be a different color (in this case black #000) and have it run the length of the page to the footer. I have tried making some changes in styles.css but the closest I have come is to have just a portion of the sidebar be black (the portion with actual sidebar content).

    Can you offer any advice on this customization?


  29. Chris:

    That’s great news – I give it a try – can you give us “ETA” for the new version – it’s hard to wait ๐Ÿ˜‰

    will their be a german (frontend) translation?

  30. Flynn:

    @Chris & Dmitriy Buldakov:

    Sorry I found the issue with 404 pages. Just delete the 404.php page and it should work. WordPress will then use index.php to display 404 pages.

    In the next theme version almost everything will be served from index.php and there won’t be a 404.php anymore

  31. Chris:

    I’m missing the 404 sidebar as well

    the left sidebar is where the right sidebar should be – and the right sidebar is gone.

    I’m viewing on it with Ff 3.0.x

  32. Flynn:

    @Dmitriy Buldakov: I guess you’re looking at it in IE6? If you increase the width of your right sidebar a bit the sidebar shouldn’t drop anymore.

    I will release a totally redesigned version shortly which won’t have the IE6 dropping sidebar issue anymore.

  33. Dmitriy Buldakov:

    Great theme, but you have lost second sidebar on the 404 page.

  34. Jessie:

    It worked!

    This is great. I finally have a website that seems to be working ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you VERY much.

  35. admin:

    @Jessie: In version 2.21 it should be in line 28, in header.php:

    <div class="remove-for-print">
    	<?php if ($ata_show_top_menu_bar == "Yes" ) { ?>
    	<div class="clearfix" id="modernbricksmenu">
    		<li class="page_item"><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ? rel="nofollow">/" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>">Home</a></li>
    		<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1' ); ?>

    But it seems that you’ve disabled the top menu bar anyway. If you don’t show the top menu bar then you don’t need to edit header.php to exclude a single page since the whole menu bar is gone anyway.

  36. Jessie:

    ok. bummer. I can’t find:

    in header.php

    I even did a search for “wp_list_pages” just to make sure. this doesn’t show up either.

    Is there something I can do to help you help me at this point, Flynn?

  37. Jessie:

    this is EXACTLY what I needed!

    Thank you for taking the time to provide this to us, Flynn. You rock!

  38. Flynn:

    @Jessie: To execute PHP code within posts or pages, you would need to install a plugin first: http://priyadi.net/archives/2005/03/02/wordpress-php-exec-plugin/

  39. Flynn:

    @Jessie: Are you trying to create a page with PHP code in it? If so, skip to the next comment.

    Otherwise: You wouldn’t put that code from comment #60 into a page, but create a whole new page, and then change the code in header.php. You are dealing with 2 different files here. One is the new page that you create, the other one is the existing theme file “header.php” that you modify:

    1. Create a new page at Site Admin -> Write -> Page, fill it with your content.
    2. Go to Site Admin -> Manage -> Pages, and point at the title of the new page, and note the “…action=edit&post=XX” in the status bar of your browser (should be at the bottom left, below your browser window). XX would be the ID of that new page.
    3. Open header.php on your computer, and edit it as described in comment #60, by putting that &exclude=XX into wp_list_pages (instead of XX put the actual ID of that new page)
    4. Upload the modified header.php to your web hosting account.

    These steps would give you a new page on your site. It would have the theme layout, but would not be included in the top menu bar.

    NOTE: I changed my name from admin to Flynn, sorry for the confusion

  40. Jessie:

    thanks @admin.

    are all pages I create (or posts) php pages? I know this works when I put the code in the 404 page, but not in a post/page. It simply shows up as code…

  41. admin:

    @Jessie: Regarding the font: There are options for both the blog title and the body font on the options page. You probably changed the wrong one.

  42. admin:

    @Jessie: Sorry I missed your question. I would simply create a page for that, at Write -> Page, and then change

    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1' ); ?>

    in header.php to

    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1&exclude=XX' ); ?>

    with “XX” being the ID of that new page, if you do not want to have it appear in the top menu bar

  43. Jessie:

    perhaps I was too vague in my Q @admin?

    I’d like to create a new (.php) page on my website that has the theme shell around it.

    Would you have any suggestions on what to do?

    I very much appreciate your time.

  44. admin:

    @Chris: The next version will have a dropdown menu as well, among other improvements.

  45. Chris:

    that would be a great option – and at the very top – the pages with sub-pages as a “dropdown” (foldingdown menu – like this page with the WordPress-Themes)?

  46. admin:

    @Chris: This will be an option in the new version in a few days, to include it in the current version you could add

    <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?>

    somewhere between

    <p class="postmetadata">
    ... the code from above here ...

    in index.php, single.php, archive.php, search.php

  47. Chris:

    How to add the Authorname and the link to the Authorspage in the line with cat, tags …

  48. Jessie:

    I’d like to create a custom “search results” .php page.

    I attempted to just copy the search.php page, rename it and put the code in there, but that was a no-go.

    Any suggestions @admin? I’d appreciate it!

  49. Jessie:

    please disregard. I copied html font coding into the post and this is why it showed up differently.

  50. Jessie:

    so, just as an update, I had a database issue and it wasn’t the theme! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I also wanted to change the font of the body, but when I changed the body font thru the theme options, the only thing that changes is the title. Is there something I’m missing? It’s called “Body Font”, correct?

  51. admin:

    @Francoise: Yes, that’s possible, see http://wordpress.bytesforall.com/?p=56#comment-3900 on how to exclude a page from the top menu bar

  52. Francoise:

    Hi there BFA,

    Love your Atahualpa theme. Thanks for all your work! ๐Ÿ™‚

    One question: I’m trying to modify the page tabs at the top. The second tab is actually a page which I’ve designated as the front page/home. Is there anyway to delete the 2nd tab so that I don’t have 2 tabs pointed to the same page?


  53. admin:

    @John: I will do that right after the new version for Atahualpa, Montezuma will be a fork of it (as it already is) with a few additions, so it will take just a few days after I’ve released the next Atahualpa.

  54. John:

    Any idea when you will release the new vwersion of Montezuma?

  55. John A:

    BFA: Then I look forward to the next version of the theme. Stomping out bugs like this should make the theme even better.

  56. admin:

    @John A: Tables in posts are not styled at all in the current version, only the calendar table in the sidebar was. I have already included table styling now and will look at the margins too. I’ve also added automatic zebra striping for rows and will probably add sorting and pagination for tables in posts, too. It will be a substantial enhancement for displaying tabular data in posts.

  57. John A:

    Dear BFA

    Actually the problem appears when a table is produced in the text – I was confused by the image issue. The table appears directly under the text with no gap.

    There appears to be no instruction in the style.css to pad the table to be away from the text.

    So what I did was add the instruction to the table section near the top of style.css to be identical to that for img

    table {
    font-size: 100%;
    /* Added by John A */
    margin: 10px 0 10px 0;
    /* End of add */

    and behold! The table is now a nice 10px away from the text above and below!

    I suggest this as a free enhancement to the next version of Atahualpa.

  58. admin:

    @John A: Images within posts, that are not aligned in any way, and inserted “as is”, are styled in style.css, should be line 614-624

    .entry img {
    	margin: 10px 10px 0 0;
    	padding: 5px;
    	border: solid 1px #ddd;
    	background-color: #f3f3f3;
       	/* optional rounded corners for browsers that support it */
       	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
       	-khtml-border-radius: 3px;
       	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
       	border-radius: 3px;

    The line

    	margin: 10px 10px 0 0;

    contains the (in this order) TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT margins and the bottom margin is indeed set to “0”. This line would make more sense if it looked like

    	margin: 10px 0 10px 0;

    instead. Thank you for pointing this out, it’s a bug that I will fix in the next version of the theme.

  59. John A:

    Dear BFA

    When an image is included into a post, the theme allows no space between it and the text above. I assume the cause is something else in style.css but can you tell me where?

  60. Jessie:

    I just chose another theme for troubleshooting and it’s still doing it.

    now we know it’s not the theme ๐Ÿ™‚

    will be in touch.

  61. Jessie:

    thanks admin.

    the only time the sidebars go away is if customizing permalinks. I have disabled all other plugins. the host has done everything they can do (it works fine as long as I don’t use permalinks)

    I feel at a loss here.

  62. admin:

    @Randy Rovang: I meant it the other way round: You SHOULD put it into footer.php, and NOWHERE else, if you want it to appear once at the bottom of every type of page. More precisely, you should add this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    addthis_pub = 'photobyrandy';
    </script><a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php" onMouseOver="return addthis_open(this, '', '[URL]', '[TITLE]')" onMouseOut="addthis_close()" onClick="return addthis_sendto()" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://s9.addthis.com/button1-bm.gif" width="125" height="16" border="0" alt="" /></a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/152/addthis_widget.js"></script>

    right after this:

    <div class="inside">

    in footer.php

    and remove that code from other places where you may have added it.

    Does the problem persist after you did that?

  63. Randy Rovang:

    Hi. Okay, I took it out of the footer…
    I would like it to work with the “add this plugin” which i have installed.

    it works on the site everywhere nicely except here:


    thanks so much.


  64. admin:

    @Randy Rovang: Then you would put it into footer.php, right after

    <div class="inside">

    But it seems you already did that. Or did you put it somewhere else, too? You should not have to put it anywhere else than in footer.php

  65. Randy Rovang:

    Hi. I just put in the plugin… that is what is giving the error on archive.. the rest of the site works great with the plugin. I prefer that to putting it in the footer.


    So I am not using the lastest version of the theme?

    I will install that later and see what happens.

    thanks so much.

  66. admin:

    @Randy Rovang: I added the code to a test blog with Atahualpa 2.21 in archive.php right before

    <p class="postmetadata">

    and it seemed to work well. I clicked through to one of the bookmarking sites, too.

    Have you added it to archive.php as well (not to archiveS.php)?

    (I see you’re using version 2.01 but before I test on that too – I haven’t installed 2.01 currently – please look if you put the code into the right place)

  67. Randy Rovang:

    Hi. Okay, I turned the plugin back on. I would rather use that. Like I say, the only problem is in archive.
    Thanks in advance.


  68. admin:

    @Randy Rovang: Seems you got it working now? I can see the bookmark plugin at the URL you posted. It’s in the footer but it seems that’s what you wanted because it’s in the footer on the other page types as well.

  69. Randy Rovang:

    problem with the plugin.
    Hi. I have added a bookmarking plugin that works great except for under archives.


    Other pages work fine.

    Thanks so much, this is a beautiful plugin!


  70. John A:

    BFA: Thanks for the help. That’s fixed it.

  71. admin:

    @Jessie: I thought you would pass that on to the hosting guy but he probably knew all that already.

    I don’t think the theme is causing this issue. It may be a specific plugin, the total amount of plugins, specific settings or limitations on the hosting account, or something else.

  72. Jessie:

    LOL. I’m not a programmer, but I attempted to believe I understood what you shared, but failed.

    I’d like to reinstall if would agree this is the next step, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a big project to do so…

    What do you think I should do next? Just give you my login info? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Please email me directly if you prefer.

  73. admin:

    @Jessie: I just did that too now, using /%post_id%/%postname%/, and it kept working (with the permalinks now).

    In httpd.conf I added:

    <Directory "/path/to/my/wordpress/installation">
    AllowOverride All
    Options +FollowSymlinks

    and I made sure WordPress can write to the .htaccess file in my WordPress directory


    owner: apache
    group: apache
    permissions: rw-r–r–

    But that is probably not your problem, WordPress would tell you something like “If your .htaccess file were writable, we could do this automatically, but it isn’t…” near the bottom of the Options -> Permalinks panel, once you clicked on “Save Changes”

  74. Jessie:

    did you change your custom Permalink Structure to:


    (that’s what makes the sidebars go away.)

    I’ve spent the last 2 hrs with support and they’ve done everything on their end. Admin is now experiencing problems. I’ve disabled the shopping plugin, too.

    Do you think I should go thru a complete uninstall and install again?

  75. admin:

    @Jessie: I just packed a WP 2.6 test blog with Atahualpa 2.21 with every single WP widget available, incl. the 3 BFA widgets, and the RSS widget with 20 Google news.

    I also set them to “show count” where possible, and set rather high numbers for comments/posts to display.

    Additionally I activated “All-in-one-SEO”, “WP-Print”, “WP-Email”, “WP-Pagenavi”, “Subscribe to comments”, “WP-Syntax”, and “Akismet”.

    All this on 32MB PHP memory and it worked fast and without problems.

    So it is probably something else that is using up more than the remaining 28+ MB of the 60 MB your host gave you.

    That shopping/gift plugin or whatever for instance is occasionally causing page rendering times of close to 3 seconds.

    You should either deactivate something, install Super Cache or upgrade your hosting plan (or try another theme, maybe that helps, but I think not)

  76. Jessie:

    I only have 3 widgets on each side. I turned off permalinks, so if you want to see them on, with the permalinks off, here it is:

    I haven’t uploaded any other header images. I’m only using the ones that came with the theme.

    So, am I only allowed a certain # of widgets, or is it a particular one you think is doing this?

    It may have started to work after adding the widgets. Mainly I have text ones. I’ll need to disable one at a time and see what is happening…I will let you know.


  77. admin:

    @Jessie: This shouldn’t be related to the sidebars per se but to the contents of the sidebars. Looks like it still cannot swallow all the widgets in the sidebars. Are you using many widgets? Try disabling one or two. Or do you have a real lot of header images, like 1000 or more?

    Judging by your earlier questions it seems that this problem didn’t exist from the get go, but started to occur later on (i.e. after you added widgets / plugins ?).

    The theme itself surely can and will be optimized by caching a few things but that’s nothing I could do quickly.

    I’d suggest that you install Super Cache as mentioned earlier. That would also prepare your blog for any sudden traffic spikes you may get in the future.

  78. Jessie:

    ok. so my host raised the PHP memory limit to 60, turned up the max execution time to 120, and it’s set at the max input time.

    now, the fatal memory error is gone and the host can’t do anything from here they said.

    the sidebars still don’t show up ๐Ÿ™

    if you want to directly contact me, as this may not help other readers, plz feel free.

    thank you.

  79. Jessie:

    nice. thank you for such a great resource AND your time here ๐Ÿ™‚

  80. admin:

    @Jessie: That’s not trivial to do in the current version, I will see if I can include it as an option in the next version.

  81. Jessie:

    I’d like to edit the header, but want to also take advantage of your new theme versions!

    For example, I’ve taken off the categories at the top, added text to the search box (“search”) and I’m still trying to figure out how to add the word “Subscribe” right by the RSS Icon – any help on that?

    The last time I uploaded a new version, it didn’t, of course, remember these changes, so I just wanted to see if this is the only way to update the theme (to manually edit the header every time?)

    Thank you!

  82. admin:

    @John A: That is very likely due to

    blockquote p {
    	margin-top: 0

    in style.css, line 388-390.

    You could either remove, comment out or edit that (i.e. “margin-top: 15px”)

    I had put that there because I think IE6 was adding an extra line break on top of the blockquote, but I’ll find another better fix for that, if the issue persists.

    I am also halfway through with a new theme version with another layout technique which should end the dropping sidebar issues once and for all

  83. John A:

    Dear BFA,

    Thanks for the help with implementing Atuhualpa on Climate Audit.

    I have a small request/favour: for some reason, in blockquotes, the theme suppresses the blank line that should appear between paragraphs. This makes reading quotes from others more difficult.

    Do you know how to fix this issue?


  84. Jessie:


    thank you for such a detailed and helpful response…which over-exceeded my expectations!

    5 star vote. thank you.


  85. admin:

    @Jessie: That means that your host has set the “PHP memory limit” on the web server to 32 MB and all of it is being used up once you use that Permalink Structure. 32 MB is already a decent setting (8 MB is the default but not many hosts will leave it at that or they’ll get customer complaints every other day) and you can either ask your host to “increase the PHP memory limit” to, say, 48 MB, or disable a plugin. Increasing the memory limit shouldn’t be a big deal for the host but they probably won’t do it if you’re on a mass host for less than $5/month or so.

    So, yes, it has to do with the theme, too, insofar as the theme, each plugin, and wordpress itself, they all will consume memory, and due to the included functions of Atahualpa it sure will consume more memory than a plain theme without functions or options, but I am not aware that it’d be a memory hog. I will look into the memory usage of Atahualpa though within the next days.

    Are you using many plugins, or, a few big ones?

    If you have a LOT posts, that might add to the memory usage too when querying the database.

    [Edit: ADDED: ] Or, you can use Super Cache http://ocaoimh.ie/wp-super-cache/ . It’s a plugin that you would have to install. You’d also have to delete a few files if they exist on your WP install. I have not installed that myself yet. They have a support forum http://wordpress.org/tags/wp-super-cache . That plugin is written by a WordPress developer.

  86. Jessie:

    that did it! I’m not sure if this has anything to do with the theme, or with something else, but I’ll attempt to start here on this next issue:

    when I change my Permalink Structure to:


    my sidebars don’t show up. in the side bars it says:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 72 bytes) in /home1/villagh2/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 468
    LINE 468 is:
    $query = str_replace(‘%s’, “‘%s'”, $query); // quote the strings


    of course, when I change the permalink back, the sidebars show up again.

    might you have any suggestions for this error?

  87. admin:

    @Jessie: If you have version 2.21 you should have several options, towards the end of the options page, starting with “Sidebars:”

  88. Jessie:

    Thank you!!

    The indent works great.

    as for the colors, I looked everywhere in the theme options. I have changed the link default color and that works great within the blog, yet the left/ride sidebars remain a very light gray…suggestions?

  89. admin:

    @Jessie: The sidebar link colors can be changed on the options page: Site Admin -> Design -> Atahualpa Theme Options.

    To change the indent of subcategories, find in style.css, line 158-161:

    #left-column .inside ul li ul li,
    #right-column .inside ul li ul li {
    	margin: 2px 0 2px 5px;

    and increase the “5px” value

  90. Jessie:

    I love the Atahualpa theme! Thank you.

    Can you explain how to (or point me to) change the gray link font color in the sidebars?

    and for the categories/subcategories, how to indent the subcategory in farther?

    Thank you kindly!

  91. admin:

    I had looked at Jello Piefecta but didn’t like the complexity of the code but will look again now that you said you’ve been using it for years. And CSS for layout is flawed, it shouldn’t be as hard as it is.

    The Matthew James Taylor layout is very nice, too, I tested it some more, I’ll be using it for another theme. It just doesn’t allow vertical layout lines so it cannot be used here.

  92. MrPete:

    On 2-column… the simple advantage of three column is you get three “above the fold” highlights ๐Ÿ™‚

  93. MrPete:

    Thanks for the suggestions on the forms. We can mess with that.

    I’ve used Jello Piefecta for a couple of years now. Nobody ever complained about drop-down or overflow issues. Until atahualpa I didn’t even realize that was a common problem! I guess I’ve lived a very protected CSS life ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    Amazing how tricky it is to just Get Things Done, isn’t it.

  94. admin:

    @MrPete: I think the remaining issues with some users are due to the table based google search form on top of the right sidebar. Padding, margin and borders of that table might have to be set to 0. Plus may be a position:relative and additionally a height: 1% fix. The donate form on the top left may cause issues too.

    As for Jello Piefecta: His sample is showing only text in the columns though, which is dead easy to deal with. I will wordpress that layout, put long strings, drop down menus and big images into it and see how it deals with that. I should be done later today and will let you know.

    I have also wordpressed this http://matthewjamestaylor.com/blog/holy-grail-no-quirks-mode.htm and it holds up pretty well, it did hide everything I threw at it if it was too big for the middle column, behind the right sidebar, but no vertical layout lines can be used, and the sidebars will still overflow in IE (but not drop) IF the sidebar content such as drop down menus is too wide.

    I also made a fluid 3 column theme where a table holds the 3 columns in the middle. It will neither overflow nor drop in any browser I tested (down to IE 5) but will expand the width of any column with too-big-content in IE & Safari. In IE and Safari, max-width of images and force wrap won’t work because they both never consider the end of the (fluid) table column to be reached as they can always just expand that column.

    And I am looking into the Jello Piefecta model now.

    One more suggestion would be to switch to 2 columns on your site. That would be a rather big change however seeing how big your images are, plus the occasional long string from a user, plus the fact that your middle column always seems to be longer than the sidebars anyway. And the single, wide sidebar would be shorter than sidebar1 + sidebar2 because many 2-4-line links would be 1-2-line links in a wider sidebar.

  95. MrPete:

    Over on CA we’ve got things much better. However, the “dropped sidebar” issues remain in IE.

    I’m beginning to think this is a fundamental problem of the underlying model.

    Ever considered Jello Piefecta as a 3 column model?


  96. Ralph:

    Hi, Thanks for the quick solution. Deleting the wp-pagenavi-2.php fixed it.I’m really happy with the way my site looks using your theme.
    I did find the dotted line code in the styles.css but decided to leave it for now.
    Thanks again.

  97. admin:

    @Ralph: The best would probably be to completely delete everything wp-pagenavi related and install again. I am not sure how you did end up with wp-pagenai-2.php. Maybe your FTP program automatically renamed that because there already was a wp-pagenavi.php. [Edit:] Sorry, looks like I put the wp-pagenavi-2.php file there after I edited the original file. You can delete that, or delete everything and get a fresh version from the author’s site, that should work as well.

    The plugins are not meant to be installed all over again when you upgrade the theme. I won’t include any plugins in the next version anymore, and only prepare the theme to recognize a few selected plugins that require a theme template edit.

    Deleting plugins (and themes) and reinstalling them is not critical. It is meant to be done that way by WordPress, in case there are any problems.

    Re: editing the lines. That should be possible with a custom-colors css file that I am currently working on. It’s not THAT easy because some line edits will require another edit at another place, that’s why I cannot post a quick fix right now.

  98. Ralph:

    Have installed version 2.0.1 from the WordPress site and love the look. Didn’t realise there was a vers 2.2.

    I get the following error when I activate the WP-PageNavi plugin for Atahualpa.2.01:-

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wp_pagenavi() (previously declared in


    1) in /www/virtual/pathways/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-pagenavi/wp-pagenavi.php

    on line 62

    Looks like there is a conflict. Both wp-pagenavi.php and wp-pagenavi-2.php were in the

    WP-PageNavi folder and the instructions don’t mention deleting either one.

    Any suggestions? Do I need to delete wp-pagenavi-2.php?

    Also, what do i need to edit to get rid of the dotted lines around each section?


  99. admin:

    @Nur: I am very sorry, Nur, and the 9 others that downloaded the file and who I may have caused headaches. The file had an error. It is fixed now and should work. Please download the updated version 1.1. Sorry for the mess, I guess I will have to slow down a bit.

    Please check back 8-27 or 8-28 soon for an updated file

  100. Nur:

    Btw, it works fine in IE6, but fails on firefox and safari

  101. Nur:

    Love the theme, specially the ability to customize. I am new to this and think Atahualpa is best theme I have come across so far.

    I followed the instructions you have listed for customizing the colors and it seems to break the formatting of the site. The sidebars are gone and shows overlapping dashed lines with thicker pixels. I would love to use the style-background-colors instead of manually making all the changes, am I doing anything wrong, I followed instructions in file…I am using wordpress 2.6