
Atahualpa 3 released

I am sorry that this took so long, and feel honored that some people were actually waiting for this.

Please note: It is entirely possible that this version 3.0 has errors. It is a complete rewrite. A version 3.1 may have to follow after I collected enough feedback/error reports etc.

Upgrading from Atahualpa 2 or other versions: Atahualpa 3’s directory name is “atahualpa3” and the option names start with “bfa_ata_”. That means that you can run your existing and this new version of Atahualpa simultaneously. Upload and activate Atahualpa 3 like another, new theme.

In the theme preview screen in the WP admin area Atahualpa 3 may look broken, it works fine “on air” though. I will fix this in 3.1.

At wp262.bytesforall.com and wp27b2.bytesforall.com you can preview the theme but I never intended to change too much on the outside. Use Atahualpa 3 and its 20+ admin pages as a base for your own theme creation.

I opened a forum, too and would like to take the theme discussions over there. Even with threading and paging the comments get confusing. Registration takes only about 20 seconds

Visit the BFA Forum

Version 3.0 has several bugs. See current state. Feel free to download and preview the theme but a fixed version 3.1 is coming Dec 19th 2008

UPDATE: 3.1.7 released – CLICK HERE for the new version

Atahualpa Features:

Atahualpa 3 is a WordPress Theme Framework that mimics the look of Atahualpa 2.2 in its default configuration.

  • Works (well) on all popular browsers with at least 0.5% market share, as of Nov 2008, Hitslink Browser Market Share
  • FIXED width, FLUID width and HYBRID width (fluid width with min/max width boundaries)
  • WP 2.7 ready: Fully working threaded and paged comments
  • Drop down menus for pages and categories
  • Localized frontend and backend. A atahualpa.pot file is included however no actual translations are included at this time.
  • Turn each sidebar on/off based on page type (Home, Category, Page, Single, Archives…), page (ID) or category (ID).
  • Valid XHTML Strict, clean, documented code, JavaScript effects degrade gracefully.
  • Works well for publishing CODE i.e. with WP Syntax. Code areas get a fluid width and will use all available space but not expand the layout, avoiding horizontal scrollbars as long as possible.
  • Handles oversized content very well: Oversized images (oversized for the given growser viewport) get resized and unbreakable strings (extreme long words or other strings without any space) get wrapped – even in fluid layouts. (In Firefox 2 a long string will overflow, in Firefox 3 it’ll wrap if it contains a non-alphanumeric character.)
  • 4 custom widgets included: Recent Comments, Popular Posts, Popular Posts In This Cat, Subscribe (NEW)
  • Subscribe widget with integrated Feedburner “Subscribe by Email” form
  • Over 100 configuration options: Build unique section headings, bylines and footers for posts and pages, configure the site footer, the \”read more\” tag, the next/previous navigation and many more.
  • Style every area of the layout with borders, colors, fonts and spaces without ever caring about the not so funny layout related side of CSS.
  • HTML/CSS Inserts: Insert code into the website, such as Google Analytics or your own CSS styles, without editing the theme.
  • Styled tables, plus zebra stripes and hover effect for rows for all or individual tables.
  • Styled form input fields and buttons, plus focus effect and pre-filled text for form fields.
  • Header image(s) now optionally clickable, this will add an invisible clickable layer over the image
  • All header image effects can be combined (Opacity, Overlayed Blog Title, Clickable)
  • Plug & play for the plugins Subscribe to Comments, Paged Comments, LMB Box Comment Quicktags, WP-PageNavi, WP-Email, WP-Print, WP-PostViews and
    Sociable. Tested with WP Super Cache, WP Cache 2 and WP-Syntax.

Fixed or improved:

  • Menus in the sidebars had an inconsistent look across browsers depending on whether list elements had one link, one link with text or several links (recent comments).
  • Almost all CSS styles in an external file now and not in header.php anymore
  • Less files: No page.php, single.php, archives.php, archive.php, search.php, sidebar.php, sidebar2.php etc… Almost everything is in index.php now for easier maintenance.


comments so far
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  1. Vince:

    Atahualpa is simply the best Premium WordPress Themes out there. Actually I’m originally planning to buy Frugal or Thesis, but then I tried this first. Now, I finally decided, I really don’t have to buy those nasty expensive themes. Will stick on this one!!! Thank you very very very very very much!!!! It’s just awesome dude.

  2. Arizona Art Education Association:

    I want to thank you for such a beautiful and flexible template. I am a complete newbie at these new types of web design (my experience ended back in the static html days) I will donate a small amount when I can however I would also like to add a thank you on our technology page. I would like it to include a small image, your prefer link and a blurb about your product offerings. Underneath I will include my testimonial. If you have a preference about what you would like this to look like please email me. I am offering this to all of the freeware developers who offer their fabulous products since our non-profit organization is unable to make much of a donation. You are also welcome to link to our site as an example of how your product is being used. Information is still being added but it is live

  3. Dan01:

    I noticed that the tables in the catagories are not displaying right. I really like the theme but I need the tables. They display great in the home page and on the page itself, but is just a list in the catagories.

  4. Anita:

    I’m trying to insert a lead capture form from AWeber into the right side of my blog. I’ve got the HTML code but have no idea where to paste it. Can you help?

  5. saad:

    Awesome Flynn.You rock

  6. Mark:

    I’d like to add an image next to my blog title. Default image was a 3 coloured boxes. I took that out. Where do I upload my image to and how do I pull it into my header?


  7. Mark:

    Hi,new to this theme and wordpress. How do I get the twitter, facebook, and linkedin icons in the atahualpa theme? I want them at the top of the left sidebar. Thanks for your help.

  8. Pedja:

    Hi, I use Atahualpa for a long time. Now I updated to 3.3.2 and have some problems.

    – I’ve set Category Menu Bar / Depth of Category Menu Bar to 1 as I want just top categorise to show up in category list, but I stil get all categories (full depth)

    – By default, theme doe snot allow comments on pages, and indeed even pages that do have comments do not show them. If I set template to show comment it then shows comments on all pages, including new comment field. Pages do have flag which specifies if page should have comments or not. I want comments to be allowed only on pages I set them to. I’ve looked into theme source and it seems to simply ignores specific settings for pages. It should obey specific setting for each page.

    – in old version if widget has empty title, title did not show at all. Now, even if title is empty, it is shown thus making empty space above widget

    – i have custom widget that shows some links. In old version links were looking the same as any other link in sidebars. In new version, links do not look right, they have default list items look.

    – I want to move RSS feed link in top right corner of the page (aligned at the same level as top menu, but I cannot find out how. This theme is not organized in usual maner as other themes are (and how old version of Aatahualpa was organized).

  9. Nancy:


    I love Wasteland, but LOVE this Atahaulpa, it is phenomenal! It will seriously blow your mind when you see how wonderful this layout is…and sooooooooooooooo easy! It even has rotating headers!!! This is a copy of an email I sent to all my WP friends~! I would love to know how to change out the headers and put my custom ones in though. Can you help me with that?

    Nancy King

  10. Sonja Niederhumer:

    Hi there.

    I am really loving the Atahualpa theme for all its flexibility. I see the theme as options for editing tables – i just can’t figure out how to insert a table into my posts/pageas, which i can then style using the Atahualpa table theme options.

    I am trying to layout a whole page full of images by inserting them into a table.

    Help would be great!


  11. Flynn:

    @yair: 40
    Windows thinks it’s a Powerpoint file but it has nothing to do with that. You’ll need the PoEdit software, also see http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=82

  12. yair:

    how can i edit pot file? (its not power point file)…

  13. Flynn:

    @yair: 38
    A atahualpa.pot should be included in the newer versions 3.x but you might want to wait for 3.2.1 which will have a 100% localized frontend which 3.2 hasn’t

  14. yair:

    hello & Congratulat for this very nice theme

    i want to get the PO file for traslate by my self as a wont
    can you Give me that?

  15. Flynn:

    @Mark: 36

    Try http://www.yoursite.com/wp-admin/

    You probably have no “Meta” widget in any of the sidebars, and the other theme probably had an admin link in the footer or somewhere else (something you can add in Atahualpa, too: Site Admin -> Presentation -> Atahualpa Theme Options -> Footer. Or, add the “Meta” widget to a sidebar, at Site Admin -> Presentation -> Widgets)

  16. Mark:

    Newbie problem – experimenting with WP themes and changed from wp-themes_magazines to atahualpa …. and now cannot find the meta “admin” link. Help!

  17. shannel:

    hi, i need help with main page, i do not know how to set it up. currently as a home page appears one of the categories.
    how to fix this?

    thank you

  18. Bonnie:

    Hi – Just wanted to say that I just updated PageMash to version 1.2.0, and… it has an option for showing or hiding subpages! Works like a charm on version 3 of Atahualpa (haven’t had a chance to upgrade to 3.17 yet.)

    Very cool!

  19. Atahualpa — Simple Themes:

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  20. tim:

    first i would like to say thank you for this flexible theme. it’s just great.
    how can i change the size of posts/pages titles, also how to change the size of widget titles.

    any help appreciated

  21. Flynn:

    @petya: Neither WordPress nor Atahualpa offer this feature at the moment but there is a widget that should be able to do that http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/flexi-pages-widget/

  22. petya:


    i love this theme – it’s the best one ever
    i have a question though, can i somehow hide the subpages in the sidebar. i want just the parent pages to be visible in the sidebar and the subpages to appear in a drop down menu?
    now all pages are displayed which makes my sidebar too long.

    thank you for any help you would provide me with


  23. Joe Lafferty:

    great to see, just about to download & try it out.

  24. admin:

    @Gary: In WP 2.7 there are no comment numbers yet in Atahualpa. If memory serves right I tried but couldn’t get it done for now. The 2.7 comments file is quite different from former versions and is one of the areas where I want to improve in a next Atahualpa version, but I cannot get it into 3.1. I think WordPress also wants to add to the comments area in later WP versions. The comments that belong together should be connected with lines, etc…

  25. camPi:



  26. Gary:

    Excellent theme! How do you get the numbers to appear in the comments?

  27. Joseph:

    Installed 3.0 and got this error in the activate theme mode. How do I resolve this.

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/working1/public_html/movingbytes.com/wp-content/themes/atahualpa3/functions/bfa_postinfo.php on line 161

  28. admin:

    @Vincent: It might work if you replace functions/bfa_header_config.php line 158-173 with your code in this way

    $header_image .= " ... your code ... ";


    $header_image .= ' ... your code ... ';

    If you have single or double quotes you need to escape them or enclose in single quotes if your code has double quotes, or vice versa

    i.e. one of these:

    $header_image .= " ... your code with \"quotes\" ... ";

    $header_image .= " ... your code with 'quotes' ... ";

    $header_image .= ' ... your code with \'quotes\' ... ';

    $header_image .= ' ... your code with "quotes" ... ';

    Then include %image in Atahualpa Theme Options -> Header -> Configure Header Area

  29. Vincent:

    Thank you so much for all the help so far. I did what you suggested and inserted the html for the imagerotater and it showed up on the very top of the header section just fine, though what I really wanted to do was to plop the imagerotator player right into the location where the default image header is right now. Is there a section within the options to do that? I did with the older version by dropping the code into header.php manually but with the rewrites of the new version i can’t find the section to do it in, though i might just not be looking hard enough.

    Also I was wondering if it was possible at all to put those overlay over a the imagerotator flash player like how it is with the header image right now. I tried to get working with the older version of the theme and couldn’t get it to work for the life of me.


  30. admin:

    @Bonnie: Many options don’t stick, I’ll release version 3.1 today or tomorrow where this will be corrected.

  31. Bonnie:

    Hi! Great new admin interface… One glitch, and I’m not sure whether it’s related to WordPress 2.7 or to your theme… I’m trying to leave the menu option “home link in page menu bar” blank in the “page menu bar” options, but it keeps reloading “home”. Any suggestions? Thanks!

  32. admin:

    @Vincent: There is a section “HTML Inserts: Header” at the menu tab “HTML/CSS Inserts”.

  33. Vincent:

    Turned out to be this little line of code “Category: %categories-linked(‘, ‘)% |”, I removed that little section from all the footer content and all the posts and sidebar issues went away.

    I also have another question. One of plugin i’m using is the NextGen Gallery for its imagerotator.wsf for my header section and with the older version of the theme that section where i can add the code in for the imagerotator was in header.php but now i can’t seems to find where i should put this code, i could use the help. Below is the code section for the imagerotator.swf that i need to put in.

    Get the Flash Player to see the slideshow.


    Sorry for the long post but i appreciate all your help.


  34. Quentin:

    Thx ror pointing me to that … However, I decided not to ‘delete’ anything for fear of getting too far over my head, so I opted merely to change the colour of the background and the rounded keyline to white. Works just fine.


  35. admin:

    @Quentin: At the menu tab “Images” delete everything in the first text area and leave only

    border: 0;


    padding: 0;

    Leaving it totally blank doesn’t work right now but will in version 3.1

  36. admin:


    2) This is fixed in 3.1 which is coming this week

    3) This is probably related to the post footer, the page gets cut off at the first post footer of the first post. Pages work because they don’t have a post footer. If you delete the contents of “FOOTER: Homepage” on the menu tab “Post/Page Info Items” the other posts, the site footer and the right sidebar comes back?

    I am fixing the post footer issue today. This happens on hosts with magic_quotes_gpc turned on.

    1) is related to 3, its both related to the post info getting messed up I think

  37. Vincent:

    I have a couple of issues that i’m in need of help to work out with Ver.3 of the theme.

    1.) The right sidebar does not show up on the homepage or categories or archives or individual posts even though I set for both sidebar to appear in the options page, however if you click on any of the other pages from the menubar the right sidebar appears with all the widgets.

    2.) I want to make Blog Tagline to be one long continuous line instead of it wrapping around, it was not like this in the last version of the theme.

    3.) This last issue is the most important. I’m missing all of my posts on the homepage, it currently only shows one and the footer of the post also seems to be missing. It is the same for the categories and archive section, as many of the post are missing all together. All the post loads just fine if I revert back to the last version of the theme.

    I’m the student webmaster for a student groups website at my university and the address is http://www.kaibigan.groups.pdx.edu

    Thanks for the help and great theme.


  38. ThorOdino:

    Nice, still some bugs but you’re on the right way

  39. Shafique:

    Thanks and congratulations! Hmm.. still a lot of bug. Gonna wait until 3.1. Can’t wait to use this theme! Yeah!

  40. Quentin:

    Hey, nice update – I would like to know how to disable the grey outlines on images within my posts? I don’t know CSS worth a hoot BTW.

    Any help would be appreciated


  41. admin:

    1. See the menu tab “Sidebars”, options “LEFT sidebar: Don’t display on Pages:” and “RIGHT sidebar: Don’t display on Pages:” and put into both text fields the ID of the page that should have no sidebars. At these options there’s also info on how to find the ID of a page

    2. Have you changed anything at the menu tab “Post/Page Info Items”, scroll down to option 2,3 and 4 from the bottom: “FOOTER: Homepage”, “FOOTER: Multi Post Pages” and “FOOTER: Single Post Pages”? Are these text areas empty? Do they contain something like

    %date(‘F jS, Y’)% | %tags-linked(‘Tags: ‘, ‘, ‘, ‘ | ‘)% Category: %categories-linked(‘, ‘)% | %comments(‘Leave a comment’, ‘One comment’, ‘% comments’, ‘Comments are closed’)%

    If not, try pasting that into those text areas and click “Save changes” at the bottom of the page

    3. Have you dropped the “Archives” widget into a sidebar? In the default state both sidebars are empty.

  42. Alistair:

    Hiya, I disabled the theme due to a few problems – been a follower since day one so keen to get this one up and running!

    A couple of questions:

    1. How do I create a page with just the header and no sidebars?

    2. For some reason there is no “leave a comment” option or the text that tells you how many comments there are – is there something I should be changing “out the box”

    3. Archives have disappeared – any ideas?

  43. admin:

    @Widiantoro: You can put that in index.php line 140 before <!-- If there are any posts -->

  44. Widiantoro:

    Great Job, can you give some ideas for how can i put a table or ads on the top of middle side column, above posting? thanks for your answer.

  45. admin:

    @Paul Hodorogea: Yes it seems that it happens only on PHP 5.2. Shouldn’t be too hard to fix, I am looking into it

  46. Paul Hodorogea:

    i get this:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/public_html/paul/wp-content/themes/atahualpa3/functions/bfa_postinfo.php on line 161

    and the page does not appear completly.

    this guys say that some kinda php code needs to be ‘properly fixed’

    any guesses?

  47. Chris:

    Just upload it to 2 of my blogs – didn’t get it to work – posted a bugreport in your forum … I’m looking forward to use it.

  48. Andy:

    Congratulations on completing this! I am very keen to switch my site to it! Excellent work. What do you suggest as a donation amount?

  49. Karen - An Artists Garden:

    Looking forward to it.

  50. Tarheel Rambler:

    I am thrilled you are ready to release 3.0. I’ve been using Atahualpa for several months now and have gotten a lot of praise for the look and feel of my blog. I’m especially looking forward to the new functionality that will be available in conjunction with WordPress 2.7, such as threaded comments. I gave IntenseDebate a try, but there are too many shortcomings to be useful to me. I can’t wait to switch back.

  51. Donal:

    Woo hoo! Great news 🙂