
Atahualpa 3.4.6 released

The post thumbnail size couldn’t be changed, and this bug also affected the “Configure Excerpts” options, see http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=5750

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Download Atahualpa Version 3.4.6
(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)

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  1. Alfrieda:

    New to websites, chose this theme because my instructor said it was a great theme, With every upgrade, something changes, my menu is no longer drop down, all the pages are across the menu line in three rows, can anyone tell me how to fix this issure?

  2. DAYurchuk:

    Anyone else having problems with the columns from “colgroup”?

    I never noticed this until after upgrading and viewing the page through FireBug. Now there are two columns (classes of “coltwo” and “colthree”) that are wider than I had previously designed. Where I can edit these within the Atahualpa Theme Options? Or do I need to create CSS snippets?


  3. Jacob Schipper:

    I am happy to report that I solved above problem 44 myself! I was confused by the fact that the plugin did work WITHOUT the Captcha mode, but did work NOT with Captcha enabled! Also in this case 3 updates independent of each other had taken place: a new Atahualpa 3.4.6; a new version of WordPress 2.9.2; and a new version of the Fast and Secure Contact Form 2.5.3. The latter one was a few days later already replaced by 2.5.4
    And all these modifications at the same time! I have installed older versions of Atahualpa and of the Fast and Secure Contact Form but none of these changes solved the problem. WordPress 2.9.2. Since the plugin did work without the Captcha I had not tested the compatibilty of the Captcha with the server. The settings mode of the the plugin has a facility to check this. When I finally did this I received an error message and was recommended to contact the server provider. He advised that the settings of the wp-content directory and the plugins directory were incorrect and that he has modified them to 755.
    I cannot explain this because the server has a script provided by Softaculous which allows to set a complete WordPress website including the data base with the click of the mouse. Very convenient!
    So far this script worked perfectly on all other websites. When I uploaded with FTP the Fast and Secure Contact Form script I did set manually all directories and files correctly. So I do not know what happened.
    Anyhow I am glad it works! Please check yourself on http://www.romalo.nl

  4. Tibet Highland:

    I love this theme. Is there any way I can make the header displaying twice as high?

  5. webtechnepal:

    Thank you so much for the great theme.

  6. Dan:

    I have Atahualpa 3.4.1 installed. When I preview the new version 3.4.6 the site looks broken. Can someone tell me why the new version might break my site?

    If I try to upgrade and break my site, if I go back and install the old 3.4.1 version will that fix my site again?

    Thanks for any feedback.

  7. Jacob Schipper:

    With my company http://www.mkbweb.nl is have made several websites for customers. Most of them had older versions of WordPress: ranging from 2.8 to 2.8.6
    Recently I installed another website http://www.romalo.nl using WordPress 2.9.2, however I noticed that the Captcha facility of the Fast and Secure Contact Form, { http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/si-contact-form/ Version: 2.5.3 (and older versions) } will not work on Atahualpa 3.4.6 in combination with WP 2.9.2
    The Captcha images are not shown and therefore one cannot send the reaction!
    Please help!

  8. qbuster:

    Great theme! Even better now that I have managed to (almost) integrate it with Buddypress ( few more tweaks necessary).

    Keep up the good work!

  9. ERP:

    The other question is how do I add my own code into the sidebars as opposed to using Widgets?

  10. ERP:

    Great theme – but how do I change the post headline colour from the default grey?

  11. Mahendra:

    I was about to go for Thesis. However I did a research for any possible alternate of Thesis before paying $87 and I found Atahualpa! I immediately installed it. I am not a fully techie person still didn’t face any problem in setting up the theme for my site.Its SEO work is good. and very easy to customize it.

  12. Söve:

    I’m asking Yasminlama’s question .Thank you for your response.

  13. Mike:

    Thanks for this. It worked perfectly!!!

  14. Hyun Nam:

    Great Theme!!! However, I need help in changing logo. I even tried to save the new logo under logo.png under excusive directory but it defaults back to default logo?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

  15. 52beta:

    dropdownmania theme where download?

  16. Bill Christensen:

    FYI, the version of Atahualpa 3.4.6 which is on WordPress as of 15 April 2010 is missing files and does not work properly.

  17. Yasminlama:

    I’ve downloaded it what do i do from there to get the theme on my wordpress site?


  18. lambic:

    Thanks for the great theme. Is it possible to add attachment page image navigation (next_image_link()/previous_image_link())?

  19. Костя:

    I used Atahualpa 3.4.6 with WordPress 2.9.3, very good, without any problem.

  20. Mizake:

    Sorry.. the comment before is not complete.
    What did not generated properly is <colgroup>

  21. Mizake:

    I’ve just converted this great theme into blogger (blogspot) platform.
    the demo link http://atahualpa-demo.blogspot.com/.

    There’s one bug only I got that was the is not generated properly in chrome browser. Then why td left, td middle, and td right was not meet style rule in its css (in chrome but normal in other browser)

    Can some one here would give me an advice to fix it?

    Thanks before

  22. Eric:

    Ok – it seems that the download file at wordpress.org is incomplete, the file you get here, works fine! 🙂

  23. Eric:

    I have no idea but i’m getting just loads of errors…

    can’t activate the theme. 🙁

  24. Nick:

    It looks like in bfa_post_parts.php on line 65 there is a stray html close tag, that sometimes affects the title adding “2>” or “1>” after every title. It seems like the browser is closing the header, and then atahualpa is trying to close it again with the correct . This probably differs for users, depending on what declaration you are using, but hopefully this helps someone else out.

  25. Mo:


    For some reason I can’t get the header images in the \wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/header directory to randomize. They always load in the same order. Is there a trick that I’m missing?

  26. lordi:

    hey, how to upgrade atahualpa themes automatically

    i’m using 3.4.4 right now……..

  27. Chelsea:

    I have been using Atahualpa 3.4.4 and absolutely love it. It has made customizing my website very straightforward and has opened many doors for me.

    One thing I still would like to figure out how to do is separate the site title/name from the site tagline. I want to have the title above the banner and the tagline below the banner. Does anyone know how I can do that?

    I would also like to upgrade to the newest version of Atahualpa, but I’m not sure how that will affect all the customization I’ve done. I could always document the changes I’ve made and just make them over again, but that’s a fair amount of time to put into it. Has anyone had success updating without losing customized appearance and layout?

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

  28. Ivy:

    I love this theme. Is there any way I can make the header displaying twice as high?

  29. Gen:

    I just see this theme, really interesting. Gonna try soon.. Thanks.

  30. Cindy:

    I am running WordPress 2.9.2 and started with older versions of Atahualpa with no problems, as well as using the upgrades in the WordPress dashboard, including the latest 3.4.6 with no problems.

    However, when I set up a new blog and downloaded 3.4.6 using the WordPress admin, I just got line after line of error that broke my blog.

    I had to download the zip file from Bytes for All and manually install.

    Is the auto download in WordPress going to be fixed? I have lots of blogs to set up with this theme. Thanks.

  31. Ferd:

    First of all, I LOVE the theme! I’ve been using it for over a year now, love the customization, the frequent and easy upgrades, etc.

    My problem right now is that people are having problems leaving comments, and I can’t figure out why. It wasn’t a problem when I tried switching to another theme. Could it be a plugin incompatibility issue? Don’t know where to start.

  32. Nguyen:

    Great Theme. It looks fantastic, great work!

  33. Romano:


    I had the same problem. It seems to me that the ” (double quotes) characters have strange effects. I decided to avoid them in titles.

  34. Superalzy:

    Using this theme in version 3.4.6, I have duplicate comment forms on pages (when activated) and single posts. Is there a way to get rid of one of them? The WP forums advised reverting to version 3.4.5 but if this issue can be fixed I’d appreciate it. Let me know!


  35. Wolforg:

    Hello all,
    The french translation for Atahualpa is updated to 3.4.6, you can download it here.


    S@lut à tous,
    La traduction française d’Atahualpa est mise à jour pour la version 3.4.6, vous pouvez la récupérer ici.

    Ré@gissons, p@rticipons…

  36. Christian:

    I love Atahualpa theme! Thank you for providing such an incredible interface. I use it on my site and everyone loves it.

  37. Ton:

    How do I get the dutch translation to work?

  38. Andree Duggan:

    Great theme, thanks so much. In this latest version, there are default widgets in place that are not reflected on the widgets page, and there’s no way to get rid of them easily. Suggestions?

  39. Mark Conover:

    Perhaps it’s a known issue, but the zip file for this version available at the WordPress site is missing many files, including the entire functions directory.


  40. andritea:

    thanks for share.. is great theme…

  41. NICA:

    I’m using this theme for my personal blog. What I want to know is how can I get X number of posts to show in Categories or Archives pages. As it is, only one post shows in the Home page and Only

  42. Nik:

    Justin’s comment above mirrors my own experience. While the mySQL shows the correct (updated) post title, Atahualpa displays an incorrect title, and doesn’t update. Atahualpa is also not correctly updating the format of a post creation date, when I try to insert it into the byline… no matter what format I indicate for this timestamp, it displays in h:ia format. Ideas?

    Incidentally, overall I’m quite pleased with the theme. In general, it works well and is easy to customize.

    my site is at http://nikflorida.org btw


  43. vijay:

    I am having same problems like boggie. But the theme was fantastic. I loved the user interface. Thanks for the amazing and flexible theme.

  44. john:

    I trying to convert from a static html website to wordpress. I came across this theme. I am impressed. I am not a programmer but this theme looks to be very good for me.

  45. Matt:

    WP 2.9.2
    Theme 3.4.6

    If I view posts via the index / home, everything is fine. Photos are ok, flash video works.

    If I click on a particular post, everything is ok.

    However, if I click on a tag in the tag cloud, a picture will be missing, or flash video (via the “flv embed” plugin will tell me I don’t have Javascript installed.

    Also, if I click on a category, I get the same problem. Either attached image will not show, OR I get this javascript error on videos.

    [Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it on and refresh this page]

    document.getElementById(“player1″).style.display = “”;

    var s1 = new SWFObject(“http://www.pubfail.com/wp-content/plugins/flv-embed/flvplayer.swf”,”player1″,”480″,”388″,”7″);

    Again, these videos work FINE viewed on the index page, pulled up via recent posts, but have these issues if they are viewed via clicking a category name or a tag cloud link.

  46. Ena Ronayne:

    I’ve a blogspot and like the look of Atahualpa. How easy is it to convert over?

  47. rahayuni:

    Why I can’t replace post tittle??

  48. Boggie:

    Hi there,

    I used Atahualpa 3.2 with WordPress 2.7.x, after upgrade to WordPress 2.9 I have problem to edit (only show one lates post, other are missing) or make a new post (no text editor).

    What should i do? Thanks.


  49. Justin:

    I’m still having a problem where in rare cases part of my title is removed by Atahualpa and cannot be restored. I have experienced this twice while editing posts and it only seems to affect Atahualpa as if I switch themes, the title can be seen properly. The website provided above is an example of the problem. In the example, the title should read “Fix Ubuntu 9.10 “no such device” error again” but it only puts “Fix Ubuntu 9.10”

    Editing the title proves to be of no value as the broken title remains even if I change the title to “a”. Feel free to contact me if you require more information or would like me to try something.

  50. newt:

    Haha, it figures that I find out about Atahualpa about an hour ago and install version 3.4.5, only now to find that there’s been a new version just released! 😛

    Thanks so much for this theme, it’s fantastic. I went through several others that claimed to be customizable directly in WordPress, but they pale in comparison to how extensive Atahualpa is. I love it! 🙂