
Atahualpa 3.6.8 released

This release has 1 security fix and a couple other bug fixes and improvements.

Changelog 3.6.8:

  • esc_js added to get_search_query, XSS vulnerability
  • issue with css.php: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=14143
  • Page titles doubled & ‘title’ attrbute missing post title: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=14718
  • PHP errors when adding widget areas: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=14160
  • Site Title appended after the ‘WordPress SEO by Yoast’ title: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=14816
  • PHP was still being advertised as being available at “Edit POST/PAGE info items”
  • CSS print style would not work right in some cases
  • removed proprietary function “bfa_escape”
  • replaced proprietary “Tabs” javascript with jQuery -> 1 file less to be loaded in the backend
  • The internal CSS & JS files for the Ata admin area are now added through WP
  • After you imported a style, you had to reload the amdin area manually to see the new values. Now the page reloads automatically after a style was imported.
  • Removed several PHP Notices in the included widgets Recent Posts/Popular Posts/Popular in Category
  • Changed the page slug (see browser URL field) of the Atahualpa admin area from “functions.php” to “atahualpa-options”
  • Replaced with ‘/wp-content/themes/atahualpa’ in the CSS image paths of all 5 included styles.
  • Both DOS and UNIX style line endings were found in the file bfa_theme_options.php
  • text domain missing at some places in functions.php, comments.php, legacy.comments.php and comments-paged.php
Atahualpa (10588)

Just in case you wondered, Atahualpa – the #1 downloaded theme on wordpress.org – is alive and will keep getting updated. The next update should be in a couple weeks, or if required, in a couple days. Sorry that this update took so long.

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  1. Reynier:

    Great WP theme thanks for all the hard work!!

  2. Gunther Wolf:

    Your Atahualpa is simply the best theme on WP world.

  3. ofutur:

    Thank you very much for your hard work 🙂