Download Atahualpa 3.7.2 at
Changelog 3.7.2:
- Updated instructions for Google Analytics, new asyncronous version
- Site title appended after ‘SEO Ultimate’ title: /functions/bfa_meta_tags.php, line 11-13, see also
- Adjustment for ‘Sociable’ plugin: /functions/bfa_postinfo.php, line 474, see also
- Removed references to and support for ‘Page2Cat’ plugin, which hasn’t been updated since early 2008: /functions/bfa_get_options.php, /functions/bfa_theme_options.php, index.php, all *.txt files in /styles/
- CSS post image width fix: /css.php, line 1752
- Removed -moz, -khtml & -webkit prefixes for border-radius, opacity: /css.php, many occurrences
- Added missing text domains for translation: /functions/bfa_hor_cats.php, line 41, /comments.php, line 118 & 119
- Added the ‘s’ modifier to apply the ‘custom widgets areas’ preg_replace across multiple lines, too: /functions.php, line 1013, see also
- Same as above for ‘date postinfo’, /functions/bfa_postinfo.php, line 186 & 199
The following download link below is meant for downloading an “older Atahualpa, in the future”, in case you need it sometime, or if the new version has not been published yet at :
Atahualpa (10861)
March 22nd, 2012 at 6:03 pm
Forum seems to be working okay for me Roman. Must be all good now.
December 28th, 2011 at 2:55 am
Link to in the header is broken for me: 403 and 404. Please advise where I can ask my questions about Atahualpa customization. Thank you.
November 25th, 2011 at 2:32 am
It should be listed in a day or so I guess. I submitted it a few minutes ago. Last time it took less than a day to get listed.
November 25th, 2011 at 2:28 am
In, only the 3.7.1 is available… Where’s 3.7.2?