
Montezuma – New Theme from BytesForAll

The new Montezuma WordPress Theme

Screenshot of Montezuma Theme

Just released on wordpress.org: http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/montezuma

The preview seems to be not working, see http://test.bytesforall.com/ for a preview that is more full-featured anyway, until I have a fixed version up.

Note: The fact that the preview doesn’t display on wordpress.org does not necessarily mean the theme is broken, not at all.

Here is a quick overview over the features: http://wordpress.bytesforall.com/wordpress-themes/montezuma/

The auto slideshow for default WP galleries is here: http://test.bytesforall.com/2008/06/post-format-test-gallery/

Being a brand new theme there might and probably will be issues. The theme is tested though.

Note: This is not the old Montezuma from 2007, I am just using the name.

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  1. Tomek:

    Hello, I have a problem with alt attribute with images on the Montezuma theme, how to solve it?

  2. Daniel:

    Hi, thank you for a great theme, but one question how can i display the player of podpress on my index page?

  3. Ulrich:

    Thx Waldi for the German Translation. It fits perfectly!

  4. Bent Petersen:

    Hi There,

    I have a problem that my users are not able to post a comment. I have checked all settings, and it should be allowed.

    Is there something I can do with the these that would disable/enable comments?


  5. Fabian:

    Great theme! Highly recommended to download it!

  6. David:

    I came up with a fix for the featured images overlaying text on the home page. The images overlay the text in all browsers other than Internet Explorer, but I defined a height in there to fix the issue. I made a post about the fix on my blog, which of course uses Montezuma as a theme! You can see it at http://www.ironsummitmedia.com/blog/wordpress-montezuma-theme-compatibility-fix/

  7. Montezuma Wordpress Theme: Solve Inline CSS - Christosoft Blog:

    […] was recently asked, why CSS changes within admin panel of the Montezuma WordPress Theme were not reflected on the […]

  8. Mary:

    Montezuma by far is the best theme I have ever seen. Very good work indeed. Unfortunately, I can’t use it in its full potential and beauty, because on Multisite the styles seem to brake. None of the options I select in the Montezuma Options Panel work – now css grids, nothing. The icons, as well as dual colors are gone. Without them, the theme just looks like any other theme out there. I hope you can find a way to fix this. I’d be happy to use and support it, if it works well for my projects.

  9. inrda:

    How to embed video on home screen?

  10. androidhowtoguide:

    How to remove site title from single post? its currently show like this ” my page titleSite Title” but i want only “My Page Title”


  11. ali:

    you have given a link of BFA Template of version 1.0 to download but i have tried too much, it does not working please resolve the issue

  12. Naomi:

    Hi! I was interested to know if setting up a website such your
    own: http://wordpress.bytesforall.com/2012/09/montezuma-new-theme-from-bytesforall/ is hard to do for unskilled people?
    I’ve been wanting to create my own blog for a while now but have been turned off because I’ve always assumed it demanded tons of work.
    What do you think? Thanks alot 🙂

  13. Chuck:

    I need help using an image as my background instead of plain white. I know very little of CSS editing. Can someone please help me or point to me where exactly I can edit the background code to add an image? I could not find a style.css file that I have seen in past templates.

  14. Mitch:

    I’ a newbie who loves Montezuma. One thing is driving me nuts.
    The first blog post starts with a thumbnail that lays out just fine on the blog page itself. The landing page is another matter. The thumbnail overlaps the text excerpt.
    I have tried switching between showing full text blog and excerpt, resized the thumbnail, no help. I suspect the column is too narrow or that the slider is interfering–don’t need a slider at the moment..using a different theme until i can fix it. Any ideas?

  15. Shin Kyung:

    Can we also customize the colors? does it have options for the color scheme?

  16. scott:

    Sadly, this theme isn’t compatible with the Jetpack plugin’s Carousel feature. From my research, looks like it might be a jquery version incompatibility. Any chance this gets updated? I’d love to use this theme, but I need Jetpack to function.

  17. Kai:

    I am currently getting a Blank Page of Death when I activate the Montezuma theme. However, after reloading the page afew times, sometimes the page appears correctly, then with the next reload, it is gone again. The theme worked ok until yesterday, when I installed a security plugin (WP security). I then restored a backup of the entire blog folder from yesterday, (no security plugin) but still can not use the Montezuma theme. Any hints?

  18. Matt wait-for-it:

    Forgive me as I’m a bit technically deficient, but can you add footer widgets or footer menus to the theme? I’m having trouble figuring things out. Very clean, beautiful theme by the way!!

  19. Frank:

    Hello I downloaded and installed your theme “Montezuma”, beautiful! Only going to change the css panel Option allows me to change and I save it, but the changes do not apply! What should I do?

  20. Stefan:

    Hi Flynn!
    I really like the template and I am using it.
    One question though: On the frontpage, the posts are all shortend so the reader has to click the “Read more” button. Is there a way to change that and show the complete text on the front page?

  21. Caroline:

    Very nice theme but somehow I cannot insert the_meta in the templates. I mean I can insert it, but on it’s own it doesn’t show on the actual site and with other (conditional) code around it it prints part of the php-code but not the custom fields themselves. What to do?

  22. Emily:

    I would like to change the bullet points from arrows to normal dot points. Can you let me know how I could do this?

  23. Aksam Zarook:

    Thank you this great theme.

    But I have a question for you. Where should I add the Google Analytics Code when using this theme? I installed it on our website http://www.zeeronsolutions.com/ and it is working great. However when I went to add my Google analytics to the header.php file in the wordpress edit theme backend there was no usual code like in the header.php file like you find in other wordpress themes.

  24. Manish Malik:


    The current version on wordpress.org struggles with one issue with jQuery 1.8.3: http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12298

    This bug is caused by a trailing “,” in javascript.js, which can be resolved by removing the trailing “,”.

  25. rupak:

    The page tab in my blog is showing at the footer. Please see this onlineincomeninja.com and tell me a solution.

  26. Ilke:

    Another great wp-theme, thank you so much!
    Is it possible to put a login|logout into the footer? If so, how can I do that?

  27. Kamil:

    Nice theme, but for h1-h6 and other caption you choose fonts which not support Polish chars :(((

  28. ferries 2013:

    Hi, thanks for this great theme! I’m trying to personalize it for my blog. Thanks a lot! Great job.

  29. FaysalJam:

    I want to remove Tags just under Title of post & Tags on Main Page. How to do that ?

  30. Douglas:

    After updating WordPress to version 3.5 the dual title colors is not longer working. I have even tried resetting to the default Monezuma settings…

    Anyone else have this issue? I would like to have the dual title colors back.

  31. Ido Doron:

    Hi, is there any way to manually change the posts format in the main page? I have noticed that the way images shown is not valid by W3C. An “Alt” attribute is required and I want to add it by myself.

    Thanks in advance!

  32. Fr. Eben Trevino:

    My site is down and I receive: “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /home/content/17/9952117/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/montezuma/header.php on line 7"

    I pray this is being fixed; it is the principal manner in reaching my parish community.

  33. Maen:

    The theme is clean and professional. Great job!

  34. Jorgen:

    I created a disk template called “single-products.php”. (As I need a loop function that is not supported for virtual templates). The template on disk is is picked up and used ahead of any templates in the virtual system. Thus far all well. However, the end result sent to my browser starts with the content of header.php (being called from single-products.php).
    All the normal leading stuff is completely lost.
    There is NO output of stuff such as doctype, , meta, script and css links and so forth. As soon as I remove the disk based template things work again. Can anyone think of a reason for this behavior?

  35. Matt:

    Hey I am trying to make the header, body and footer as wide as the central text roughly 960px and have a separate background colour for the html element. Is there away to do this whilts keeping the theme responsive?

  36. May:

    That is a very cool and beutiful template, congratulations.
    (I’m using :p)

  37. Dino:

    I’m having trouble everything was working and all the sudden I’m getting

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /home/content/xx/xxxxxxx/html/wp-content/themes/montezuma/header.php on line 7

  38. pooy:

    WP-Postviews the_views() Can’t on the home page of the article calls !

  39. candra:

    my website using montezuma, i want to change unorder list icon, how i do that?

  40. rasmus:

    Hi, thanks for a great theme!

    I’m having some problems with using the_content() in postformat.php. What I want to do is to show all post content by default instead of the summary.
    I replace bfa_excerpt( 55, ‘ …’ ) line with the_content() but when I reload the wp site it seems it get stuck in an infinite loop and eventually the site times out and you get a blank page.

    Is there some way I can avoid this problem?

  41. Klaus:

    @Waldi: how can I implement your german language file into my montezuma wordpress blog??? I am kind of a beginner….. THANKS!!

  42. androidhowtoguide:

    It will be good, if this theme have option like Atahualpa 3.7.9. for experts and sidebars.


  43. RH:

    Nice Template Anyway, but How to change the Text header to image?


  44. Ankur:

    Just loved the first look of the theme.. installed it.
    I hope i dont find issues as i go along.. i already have one issue, horizontal scroll bar is always appearing on my blog

  45. Pictogram:

    Great looking theme,

    is there any way to make this work with buddypress ? The home is ok but the BP specific pages aren’t working well ??

    Any clue

  46. Rolando:

    Great looking and unique theme. After I activated it there was a problem with the alignment of images/icons in the widgets. What are normally social icons or user avatars that are supposed to be side by side, they are on top of each other as if the widget is making them into a list. I am using using the Chrome browser.

  47. A New Look | Kokul Shanmugharajah:

    […] finally found a theme that I like. It’s called Montezuma and is created by the wonderful people at BytesForAll. It is really clean, simple and looks great. […]

  48. Jason:

    Great theme… love the professional look to it. But for some reason my breadcrumbs are two high on some pages… and from what I can see only on Chrome… thoughts? http://aspirefitness.ca/category/challenges/

  49. Marcos Vinicius:

    I have tried to translate this template to my language, Pt-Br, but in “comments” when I have only one, this title appear “One comment on “” and when I translate in comment title, the page does not change, could help me to solve this case?

  50. PIerre:


    Montezuma looks awesome, but the “breadcrumb” section does not appear correctly with Chrome. Have you any idea how to fix that ?

  51. Vyas:

    I just love the design but i want to replace nevigtion bar with category option plese help me if possible

  52. Дима:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/u757143289/public_html/wp-content/themes/montezuma/includes/breadcrumbs.php on line 56

  53. Bernstein:

    What about browsers with turned off the javascript functionality? I´ve tested and one blank sheet results!!! Thats horrible for usability and SEO, isn´t it? How to fix?

  54. John:

    Question about browser compatibility. The breadcrumb feature for this template seems to break across browsers. The padding in chrome is off while firefox and even IE seem to work fine. Have you experienced this or have others noted on this?

  55. Florian:

    This is theme is really great! But there is one thing I haven’t figured out yet. When using the plugin Multisite Language Switcher, in the widget the flags always appear BELOW each other, but never NEXT to each other. This looks really awful. Would be great if you might have a look onto it 🙂

  56. Pete:

    I just started using it and I realize this version is pretty new. I really like what I see, and so far everything looks fine in recent versions of FF and IE, but with Chrome Ive found an issue – any image within an individual post displays correctly in that post, but when the post is previewed on the front page ( I haven’t checked index pages yet ) the image displays improperly, over the preview text of the post.

    Thanks for the theme… great work; a pretty sweet blend of easy and flexible

  57. Sangeet:

    And one more thing, can I FORCE any image to appear on the homepage instead of just any random image from the post?

    And thanks for the theme guys, just love it!!

  58. Sangeet:

    Montezuma is not being rendered properly in Chrome at my website. Why is that?

    My Chrome Version: 21.0.1180.89
    OS: Windows 8 RTM(64-bit)

  59. Peter:

    Wirklich interessantes und gutaussehendes Theme. Einige Funktionen funktionieren zwar (noch) nicht, aber ich denk das kommt noch.
    Es ist mal ganz anders wie die gewohnten Themes und trotzdem sieht es perfekt aus – DANKE DAFÜR!

  60. vesati:

    I just installed Montezuma at my local WP (3.4.2) where I’ve successfully deployed Atahualpa and many other themes including ThemeFrame-generated themes.
    Montezuma as such seems to work pretty much ok, but Montezuma theme options will not load at all – so tailoring is impossible. Any thoughts?

  61. manosinistra:

    Seems like if I turn on the sharing features the sharing icons are misaligned and display weird arrows. (default Dreamhost WP 3.4.2 auto install, no changes) screencap

  62. nik:

    it have the footer section??

    nice template.

  63. ganesh karki:

    It is one of the cause that i love bytesforall team. coz you guys are so helpful and reachable. i am using atahualpa in 3 sites of mine. now i like to ask that can these theme montezuma and atahualpa customize as magazine style?

  64. Flynn:

    Yes, it is not point & click as Atahualpa but much more flexible. There’s also a good deal of instructions in the theme options. It is not the same as just editing PHP/CSS/HTML, quite a few things are taken care of. That being said, I will add point & click. There’s a whole options engine in Montezuma with the ability to add checkboxes, color pickers etc…

    For instance, try to move the sidebar from right to left with the quick edit as outlined here: http://wordpress.bytesforall.com/wordpress-themes/montezuma/#comment-195996

    You basically just cut 1 code block and paste it above the other one. You aren’t really supposed to “code”, you can do a ton of things with just “copy & paste” or “cut & paste”.

    You can always click “Reset All”, or click the “Reset” button of the respective option or CSS/HTML code area.

    I will add instructions, I understand it might seem overwhelming especially when coming from Atahualpa but I suggest to look a little closer, it is not as blank and raw as it might seem at first glance.

  65. ganesh karki:

    I think this theme Montezuma is only for the designer or for them who have idea about php and html. How can a layman use this theme as Atahualpa ? Where is the tutorial ?

  66. waldi:

    Another idea: Maybe you can switch from icon sprite to an icon font like Web Symbols Regular, Fontawesome or a custom one from fontello and add a options page where you can assign icons to numbers in menu.

  67. Flynn:


    – I had planned matching the admin design, will do

    – I will add option, there’s a full blown options engine included that makes adding color pickers, checkboxes etc. easy

    – Thanks, however as per wordpress.org requirements I will have to make the back end translation ready as well. Perhaps you’ll have another look then and see if you want to translate the whole thing. I hope to release the next version in about 1 week, maybe earlier

  68. waldi:

    Awesome theme 😀

    Improvement ideas:
    – Change backend options page’s design to look like WordPress 3 native
    – Not that much options 😀

    I’ve translated it into German. Here you get the languages files if you need them.

  69. Flynn:

    @Tom: I have not checked for Multisite, but will make it Multisite-ready. I am not sure if it will be included in the next release in a few days, but should be there in the over-next release

  70. Flynn:

    @Will: Thank you, that looks nice

    @nigel: Thanks

  71. Tom:

    Seems to be broken for my multisite WP 3.4.2. After changing the menus I just got a white screen — and changing them back didn’t help.

  72. nigel:

    awesome template bro…good work.

  73. Will:

    I was really taken by this theme so I decided to showcase it in a video round up on my blog. Looking forward to more free themes to come. Thanks for sharing!