
Atahualpa 3.5.1 released

This is a relatively good version. I suggest that you upgrade unless you’re completely happy with your current version. Updating just means uploading the new theme directory (/atahualpa351/) into /wp-content/themes/ so that you end up with /wp-content/themes/atahualpa351. Then choose the new theme (version) at WP Admin -> Appearance -> Themes.

This version has smooth animation for the page and category menu bars, and a new default style in addition to the existing new styles.Discuss this release at the forum

Download Atahualpa Version 3.5.1
(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)

P.S.: The menu bar animation doesn’t display properly in IE, at least in certain cases. It will be fully browser compatible in the next Atahualpa version. Note: This animation is not turned on by default. See Atahualpa Theme Options.

How to import other styles: There are several additional styles in /atahualpa/styles/ such as “ata-round.txt” etc… You can start using these new styles by importing these style files into Atahualpa, see Atahualpa Theme Options.

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  1. Erika:

    I’m using Atahualpa Theme 3.7.11 with WordPress 3.5.1. I would like a 1px in the lilac to go vertically on both left and right edges of the blog so that it all looks real nice and enclosed.

    Also, I have an annoying white line above and below the header images. I’ve tried and tried but I’m probably looking in the wrong place.

    Also, I would like to be able to use a fancy script for my blog title. Is that possible?

  2. Kia G:

    I keep getting a server error message I can get into wordpress to continue editing my site.

  3. hudson:

    Awesome site dude!, and an even better theme too!


  4. Katherine:

    I’m loving this theme, but I have a problem and I’m wondering if someone can help me fix it. My monitor is wide screen and everything looks PERFECT, but I’ve had people without a wide screen monitor pull up the web site and they can’t see all of the center column. I’m not using the inner left or the inner right columns, so I’ve narrowed those to 100 from 200 (I tried 50, but there wasn’t enought white space and it looked cluttered and cramped) but they still can’t see all of the center column. I thought a bar would appear across the bottom of the screen to allow them to scroll over to see the rest, but not so.

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

    Oh, one more thing. The background is light grey, how do I change that?

  5. Bahia:

    Have the same question as mene tekel, some comments bevore. If I update, will it change all my settings to a new default? Would be very kind, if somebody can give us an information…

  6. Erica:

    Great things here. Do you have the IE fixed version right now.

  7. Lauretta:

    How can I have the same comments’ style that you have in this blog?

  8. Ronald:

    Große Probleme mit der Installation …

  9. Greg Nicholson:

    I want to style all other pages different than home page (no rotating header image). How do I do this?

  10. Mene Tekel:

    This is probably a stupid question, but if I update, will it change all my settings to a new default? I have Atahualpa 3.4.9.

  11. Dawey:

    LOL! After two days of tearing my hair I just found it! Go to the ADD HTLM/CSS inserts in the “Atahualpa options”: go down the page to CSS inserts. You will find this code (after four “}” down):

    div#imagecontainer {
    border-top: solid 5px #333;
    border-bottom: solid 5px #333;

    Just remove the two “border lines”.

    So also, if you haven’t got the lines through your downloaded version of Atahualpa, here you can add borders around the header. 😀

  12. Dawey:

    The same question as Scott – can’t find any way to remove the black header lines. Please, where in the css can I find it?

    Over all, the theme is very good and there are a lot of ways to personalize it. Great job. 🙂

  13. Allison:

    I second that notion – how do we remove the black lines from the header image (above and below)?

  14. Ananda:

    @66 Dear Scott,

    I had the same problem, to remove the lines above and below the image go to NEW Add HTML/CSS Inserts and change the following lines:

    div#imagecontainer {
    border-top: solid 5px #333;
    border-bottom: solid 5px #333;

    div#imagecontainer {
    border-top: solid 0px #333;
    border-bottom: solid 0px #333;

    I suggest doing it this way rather than deleting them, as you can always change your mind later 🙂

  15. Scott Elliott:

    How do you remove the black lines from above and below the header image?

  16. Huey:

    Thanks so much for this! Atahualpa is so much fun to work with! 🙂

    I have a question though. I’ve been wanting to change the font size of ‘x Comments to yyy’ and ‘Leave a Comment’ in single post with no success. Anyone has any idea?

    Many thanks in advance!

  17. Art Geigel:

    Can someone help? I installed 3.5.1 and all I get is a white screen that says “Powered by WordPress & the Atahualpa Theme by BytesForAll. Discuss on our WP Forum”

    I can’t even preview from within the admin area — again just white. Am I doing something wrong?



  18. John:

    Is it already known when the next version is released. A couple of bugs need to be solved.
    – First level parent items in Page Menu Bar – does not work
    – White or Black Arrows as Sub Menu Indicator – does not work

  19. todd:

    This theme was already awesome, but now it is the best evar! Thank you for making it and sharing it.

  20. Ted Clayton:

    ziki –

    Sounds like maybe a Fixed Width vs Fluid Width thing. Look in the Body section near the top of the theme-options.

    I just ‘pulled a good one’. Edited my widgets and ended up with no Meta … and no Login. Hmm. I’ll look around.

  21. ziki:

    Hello, can any body help me, I have install 3.5.1 and I dont have border around the page as it was on the rest of the pages whit this theme!
    Thank you

  22. 7 Wordpress Theme Framework I ever Used | blog Rudy Azhar:

    […] 7. Atahualpa Theme […]

  23. Ted Clayton:

    My apologies. I also updated NoScript, and it was evidently preventing the Atahualpa options from working right. I reset permissions in NoScript, and options are working now. Thanks!

  24. Ted Clayton:

    I installed Atahualpa a couple years ago, used it for about a year, was very pleased. Now, I’m starting a new site and building it on my new local WAMP Server. I installed Atahualpa 3.4.9 from the official WordPress repository right away, and put in a session tweaking the options. Flawless.

    This morning, I returned to working on the new site, started a session to edit Atahualpa options, and find that none of them are responding. In the center of the interactive area is the big gray button, “X Reset ALL theme options”. All option-buttons give the same thing – nothing but the Reset button.

    Did I zip my shirttail into my fly, or something? Thanks!

  25. Söve:

    What are the dimensions.Thanks.

  26. Chris:

    Thank you so much for making this. I have been struggling for days trying to either find the right theme or customize other themes manually. This is exactly what I needed!

  27. Shera Yapı:

    Not sure what you mean about the menu animation not displaying properly in IE.

  28. Steven:

    Socialble is shown two times on home page, search results page, etc. one under the other.

    It posts just one time on full page but not on the other sections.

    It works correctly on other themes for those pages.

    Anyone have any thoughts on what is happening?

  29. René:

    Hi There. Is there a way to leave all youre options for the theme as they are while upgrading? Thanks

  30. Daniel:

    When will this theme be WordPress 3.0 ready? I really want to use it with the new functions 🙂

  31. Loren Woirhaye:

    Testing (by me) shows this versions “add widget” features are seriously F’d-up and do not work. Upgrading ruined all add widget usage on my blog and this version of Atahualpa seems completely unsupportive of add widget.

    Otherwise, a great upgrade, but in terms of added widgets, a step back.

  32. styzer:

    Hi all,

    I tried using the Export/Import WP 3.0 function, but no joy. The process goes through, but the new site doesn’t show any of the imported content.

    Is Atahualpa the answer? I have posts with images in a category that has 3 sub-categories.

    Any comment would be helpful! Thanks in advance,


  33. Peter Illiesku:

    Please update your great theme for WordPress 3.0!!

  34. Peter Luit:

    In WP 3.0 the width of the page menu bar elements do not fix to the width in the ATA settings (11).

  35. Peter Luit:

    I saw these instructions (http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-add-custom-navigation-menus-in-wordpress-3-0-themes/) on how to enable ‘custom menus’ in existing themes. Can anyone tell me where to put the second part of the code in order to work with ‘custom menus’ in Atahualpa?


    Peter Luit

  36. cowGirrl:

    Have the TinyMCE problems been fixed? I have not seen them since installation of Atahualpa 1 or 2 months ago.
    Re: Deleting .htaccess file in wp-includes. It does not exist in my folder. I have very few font formatting capabilities: bold, italic.

  37. ShayaKNYC:

    Is this theme compatible with the new WordPress 3.0?

  38. Ryan Saelee:

    How do we make the header image fit? What are the dimensions?

  39. Ready! Go! « Enphasa:

    […] WordPress business. It is worth mentioning that I found this fantastic template for WP, called Atahualpa which you can customize heavily, there are a lot of options to tweak. Congratulations to the guys […]

  40. iru:

    you are a machine! is the best theme. thanks for your job…

  41. Carol:

    Guys – you’re asking your questions in the wrong place. This is the place to go http://forum.bytesforall.com/ for help.

  42. VAlipour:

    How i can write rtl text
    i tried by put this
    * {direction : rtl;}
    but just in opera i can see the changes and in others like firefox i can’t see my post rtl

  43. Ilke:

    Thank you very much for your good work! I really appreciate that Atahualpa is a theme to make a blog look very calm and just like a website.

  44. Arkados:

    Release successfully applied 🙂

    But there’s still a little glitch, which annoys me a bit:
    bfa_sociable2.php should insert a div tag, not a span tag (it says span is for inline elements, which is normally not the case with ul-li elements).

    Correcting this makes the pages W3C Valid and just works the same as before.

    Corrections on line 35 and 72 done manually.

  45. holake:

    i got a problem to place header flash instead of header image in Atahualpa 3.5.1 but not working. Please help me, Thanks.

  46. Carol:

    Lordi – I’m tempted to say “have you tried it?” – that’s the best way to find out. Set up a test subdomain and see what happens.

  47. Carol:

    Babs – if you download v 3.5.1 it comes with 5 styles that you can import via the export/import function. One of them is rounded – so long as you don’t view it in Internet Destroyer. It works fine in other browsers.

  48. Babs:

    Just updated to 3.5.1.

    Not sure what you mean about the menu animation not displaying properly in IE. It looks fine to me.

    BTW, I’ve come across posts in the forum regarding other styles and a rounded look. I’ve apparently missed something. Anyone care to point me in the right direction? I may not use it, but my curiosity has been piqued.

  49. Lordi:

    is this themes support wp buddypress plugin ?

  50. ryder:


    I had reset it before, and it had not solved the problem, but this time around it did. I think between troubleshooting various versions and doing different uploads, something when horribly wrong. Reset seems to have solved it at this point. Onward!

  51. Bill Masson:

    Superb release and Atahaulpa has done it again and keeps on surpassing benchmarks and raising the bar for WordPress.

    Thanks’ for all your hard work.

  52. Niska:

    Regarding speed. Is this theme tested with Google Page Speed extension?

  53. Niska:

    I’ve downloaded the swedish language files from the forum and put them in the themes/atahualpa directory. Do I need to rename them, or do something else? My config is set to sv_SE and my admin pages are in swedish…

  54. Söve:

    Great work.Thanks a lot.

  55. webmind:

    Can someone tell me if I am likely to see any problems upgrading from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1? And just to be sure, if my site breaks, I can always just reinstall the 3.4.1 version and my site should look the same again, right??? Thanks for any reassurance!

  56. agung budidoyo:

    pretty cool theme, i like this !

  57. jeff:

    had same prob as ryder and reset all as suggested by carol and it works perfect now.

    Thanks Carol I had spent 2 days messing with it. Needless to say I am a noob at all this.

  58. Patty Zasloff:

    Hi Carol! I had gotten the images to fade the other day but, with your help, I realized that I had the menu on the top of the page, centered, and wanted it to appear on the bottom of the header and I fixed it and it works!! Your header and site look great! 🙂

    I still don’t have the rounded tabs and had been working on that with Juggledad on this thread:
    http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=7425 .

    I see you have no categories listed separately in the sidebar…are all your categories listed in the menu at the top then?

  59. Alf:

    Got the same problem as Ryder, only the footer will show

  60. Carol:

    @ Patty. I got the fading header images to work the way I wanted them to by deleting most of the new code that has been added to the “configure header area” of the “Style and Edit Header Area” tab.

    If you just have something like this “%logo %image %page” as the code (removing the extra div that has been added) it should work. You can see it in action here http://itschristmas.org.uk/

  61. Carol:

    Ryder – are you 100% certain you are using 3.5.1? I’m asking because what you are seeing is what was happening to me with 3.4.(not sure .what).

    If you had another version of the theme installed previously, go into the atahualpa theme options, scroll down to the bottom of any page and click on “reset all theme options”.

    Also, just double check in your themes area of WordPress that you have actually activated 3.5.1 and aren’t still using 3.4.x

    Don’t know if any of that will help!

  62. Alex:

    Great work – updated without any problems.

    One question, though: Where do I get the German language files?


  63. Ryder:

    I have installed the 3.5.1 release on my wordpress 2.9.2 with PHP 5+ and mysql 5.0.51a. I upload the theme to proper directory, then activate it. The only thing that shows on the home page is some footer elements, otherwise it is blank. Any suggestions? You can see what I mean here: http://test.mathisgroup.net/


  64. Submit Shop:

    I have upgraded the new version of theme it work without any bug Great one

  65. Dan:

    Doesn’t releasing a new theme update every few days just confuse users? Shouldn’t bugs be worked out before updates get released? This seems like chaos now.

    Is there anyone available who can help me upgrade my theme to 3.5.1 from 3.4.1 without breaking it or actually improving it? I can pay a reasonable fee. Thanks

  66. Patty Zasloff:

    Well, got the fading header images to work but they are overlapping and some are coming out on all the way to the left…UUUGGGHHH!!!

    Please help!

  67. Patty Zasloff:

    Hi. I just upgraded from 3.4.4 to 3.5.1 and, well, I don’t see anything different at all except for the font in the titles of my posts are smaller, which is fine.

    No fading header images and no animation anywhere, and no cleaner look – what am I missing??

    I use Google Chrome Beta version and checked it in IE as well.

    Thanks, Patty

  68. Carol:

    I just installed it on a WP3.0 test sub domain – it seems to be working ok so far.

  69. Peter Luit:

    I do see some troubles in using the latest Atahualpa in 3.0. Some option do not react:

    – clickable header image to reload homepage
    – Don’t link first level parent items in Page Menu Bar – does not work
    – the width of submenus do not react
    – White or Black Arrows as Sub Menu Indicator – does not work

    If you like I can update the list here with my findings to improve the next version of your Theme….

    Kind Regards,


  70. Megri:

    Good theme we neeed its WP3.0 compatible. If it is done it will be a great theme

  71. Peter Luit:

    Working great so far! Button animations look very nice! Looking forward to the WP3.0 compatible version of Atahualpa. Thnks for all the fine work. Great Theme!!

  72. Mahendra:

    Great! work.
    yes better then 3.4.9.I have upgraded to 3.5.1
    The only problem I am facing is that after upgrading to 3.5.1 my site does not open in firefox 3.6.2 browser. In IE 7 and above it is working fine.
    Perhaps some plug in is creating problem.

  73. 田舍:

    I hope you will a Chinese version of the theme, thank you.

  74. marketing 101:

    great! better from 1.4.9, more stable i think. but still problem with plugin add to facebook and share on facebook. over all, nice theme, i love it

  75. Adri:

    Just installed 3.5.1. Looking nice! Just 1 thing: When header images animated, the images are not centered while it is when the header images are not animated.
    Thanx for this great theme btw!

  76. Graham:

    Wow, just wow. I just installed the newest version and I can’t get enough of it.

  77. Robert:

    Is all laguage text tagged up or do we have to hack the template?

    Im trying to translate to Norwegian, but Im not able to translate all.
    Any idea?

  78. doc:

    ** I’ll add for my above error messages – the ip addresses are correct – I’m running on a dev deployment of my website, I copy it elsewhere while working on it.. Anyway, it’s not a url problem 🙂

  79. doc:

    Cool, I’d like to use the page bar animation, but I get two errors:

    this.inject is not a function
    Line 856


    Element.setWidth is not a function
    Line 113

    Thanks for the continued epic work!

  80. Alex:

    I installed Ata theme and it is great. The only thing I would like to edit is the header font color – anyone with some advice how to change the font color to for example orange?
