
Atahualpa 3.6.4 released

 Download Atahualpa 3.6.4 here

Atahualpa (23265)

This version is in the review queue at wordpress.org but not listed yet

  • 361-01: meta tags not appearing in generated source
  • 361-02: Tab order on comment form incorrect when user is not logged in
  • 361-03: Allow Tag widget links to use Atahualpa widget link styling.
  • 361-04: Allow Custom Menu widget links to use same styling as Pages widget.

See also http://forum.bytesforall.com/forumdisplay.php?f=12

2 new options:

  • “Style & configure LAYOUT” -> “Emulate IE7″. It defaults to ‘No’ and will only generate the line <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=EmulateIE7″ /> when set to ‘Yes’
  • “Header Image” -> “Overlay Header Image”

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comments so far
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  1. gadgets Q&A:

    Atahualpa is one of the best free themes with many more customize options than any other theme. But, one need to study more to do all these customization. However, the author of this theme has spend tremendous amount of time to build this theme.

  2. calavan:

    Let me say thank you for your great theme.
    Your theme is look simple and cool.

  3. Heather Carter:

    The topic looks pretty cool! Great realese! The latest version of Atahuala works perfectly. Thanks!

  4. horsham plumber:

    Looks pretty good now but when is the next update due?

  5. Borsa:

    Maybe it has been fixed since, but I’m getting the Auto Draft bug. Is it still to fixed or has it been?

  6. Inlägg och utdrag med Wordpress och Atahualpa » Lectrodata:

    […] 3.1 med svenska språkfiler, en tilläggsmodul som heter Simple Fields och med ett tema som heter Atahualpa (v 3.6.4). Fördelen med Atahualpa-temat är de stora möjligheterna till anpassningar som kan […]

  7. Stan:

    I have osCommerce installed in the root of my server and I’d like to install WP with this theme in the subfolder. Won’t there be a conflict? Do I use a separate .htaccess file for the subfolder?

  8. Andri:

    I have installed the template in my local web server and the SEO options are great. Looking forward to make it online. Thanks for the template.

  9. Wandi Sukoharjo:

    Where is the demo theme?

  10. Trav:

    The theme is simple and I think it’s great.
    Thank you.

  11. Googler:

    i was using this theme for my travel site.. nice options in Atauhalpa.

  12. Andri:

    Have reference for Atahualpa and had downloaded it. I will use for my new blog. Thanks.

  13. Söve:

    I agree with you Wil.Thanks.

  14. Söve:

    I have rolled back to 3.4.9.

  15. max:

    Is Atahualpa 3.6.4 compatible with WordPress 3.1.1?
    Just downloaded your theme, wanna try it on localhost.

  16. buzz:

    simple theme and cool I think.
    I will try to use for my blog.

  17. Andy G:


    i want to say thank you for a great job you’ve done on your blog.
    I have a software download website and I also write articles for people to help them with their computers and software. Is it possible to place this article on your blog as a guest post?

    Andy G.

  18. Wil:

    @Fred, you are an advanced user and you found this theme complicated and difficult. I find it hard to believe you really are an advanced user. An advanced user who complains about so many options. Duh.

    That said, I am running and won’t be going anywhere near the new release on the basis of the bulk of comments above (Fred excluded)

  19. Alex:

    I just installed the 3.6.4-wordpress.org-Version: White page.
    Any solution so far?

  20. Tyler:

    @matthew I’ve used the built in SEO options and they work really well. Many of my articles are easily searchable.

  21. pinkspiders:

    Cannot get the latest version to show up – on two different sites in the latest vestion of Word, neither will show. I get a blank screen, why? I deactivated all plugins to make sure and still blank white screen.

  22. Vanessa:

    I spent endless hours looking for a professional looking WP theme (I built this website for my work) and this is by far the very best out there, hands down!
    I am not very experienced with creating WP layouts and themes or customizing them, so I LOVE the Atahualpa control pannel. This is the only theme I’ve used so far (and I’ve tried many) that allow me to FULLY customize the look and feel of the website with out using the complicated codes.
    I am afraid to upgrade my WP version and to update my theme version because in the past I’ve lost all of my customizations. I guess I’ll just keep them how they are.

  23. Phil Wolff:

    I’m interested in using Post Formats for asides, now native to WordPress 3.1. Is this on the Atahualpa road map?

  24. Roman:

    Me too, latest WordPress and latest Version of the theme: just shows a blank page… 🙁

    All the best

  25. barb:

    I suggest backing up your own header images before upgrading to 3.6.4. It wiped out my header images and puts back the original header images that come with the distribution. This happened on all my wordpress sites that use atahualpa and my own header images. It also forgets the name of the logo image.

  26. Dapizz:

    Maybe it has been fixed since, but I’m getting the Auto Draft bug. Is it still to fixed or has it been?

  27. mathew:

    hi, i’ve searched the forum but don’t find clearly answer…:

    What is better: using Platinum SEO Pack or using SEO option biuld in Atahualpa theme? where is more better options? is it good to use both of them?

  28. Ronny Roger:

    I just installed the 3.6.1-wordpress.org-Version: White page.

    Deleted and installed it again: White page.

    Uploaded this version: White page.

  29. luofei:

    I updated Atahualpa 3.6.X many times on my site, but it seems doesn’t work, shows nothing on the page, totally blank. only Atahualpa 3.5.3 works there, I don’t know why. can some one tell me? thanx!

  30. Don:

    WordPress 3.0.5 and Atahualpa 3.4.4 having being working great!
    Tried Atahualpa 3.6.4 and get mothing but a blank screen. Thanks Juggledad for recommending a parallel install!!

    Love the theme but hate the blank screen 🙁

  31. Erik:

    This is my first WordPress website. it took some time to figure everything out, but I’m pleased with the result.
    Great template!
    Greetings from the Netherlands

  32. andrea:

    Would be a nice thing to be able to widgetize also the footer.
    Nice job anyway!


  33. Kevin:

    The “read more tag” in “post & page”s is not work.

    pls have a look.

  34. Tom:

    Same Problem in 3.6.4.
    Since Version 3.6.1 the Footer don´t change to the modified date (”Aktualisiert am:”) because the If block always returns false.
    I´m using this Script in Atahualpa 3.5.3 Options to modify the Footer of Single Post Pages and it works fine.

    php if(strtotime($post->post_modified) – strtotime($post->post_date) > 86400)
    echo “Aktualisiert am: ” ;
    the_modified_date(‘j. F Y’);
    echo ” um ” ;
    echo “Erstellt am: ” ;
    echo get_the_date();
    echo ” um ” ;
    echo get_the_time();
    } ?> | Autor: %author-nickname% | %tags-linked(‘Tags: ‘, ‘, ‘, ‘ | ‘)% Kategorie: %categories-linked(‘, ‘)% %edit(‘ | ‘, ‘Bearbeiten’, ”)%


  35. Fred:

    This is one of the WORST themes I’ve ever tried! It has SO MANY options, that finding what you need takes forever. And for advanced users like me who always modify themes to put our code where needed, this thing is just a mess. All the file names are different from the standard WordPress files so getting to anything useful is impossible.

    I gave this thing a fair chance, but now it’s being un-installed!

  36. Atahualpa 3.6.4 released » مميز:

    […] Continue reading here: Atahualpa 3.6.4 released […]

  37. David:

    I have rolled back to 3.4.9. The fixes I found here did not solve.

  38. David:

    I just updated from 3.4.9 to 3.6.1, and immediately after update my blog is blank. Is this a compatibility issues with WordPress 3.0.1?

  39. soundtrackzdll:

    greatest release so far!!!!!!

  40. Resume Objectives:

    The theme looks simple and cool! but does Atahualpa work with wordpress latest version?

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    […] BytesForAll WordPress WP Themes » Atahualpa 3.6.4 released wordpress.bytesforall.com/?p=98 – view page – cached This version is in the review queue at wordpress.org but not listed yet […]