
Atahualpa 3.4.9 released

This works for me both locally and on the web server. If the new settings don’t get picked up try restarting your browser, it might be a caching issue. That’s not to say that this is guaranteed bug-free.

Download Atahualpa Version 3.4.9
(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)

Atahualpa 3.4.8 released

Still some issues… 3.4.9 is coming Sunday May 9, 2010, late evening.

-> Monday May 10, 2010

Please try this version 3.4.8 as 3.4.7 didn’t use existing settings. (Additionally, the download link was broken due to a missing slash http:// )

The changes since 3.4.6 are rather huge so yet another update (3.4.9) may be required until everything runs smooth again.

Download Atahualpa Version 3.4.8
(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)

Note: The first 8 downloads had one little image path issue (hardcoded path to widget lists bullets in default style ata-default.txt, using one of my domains). Please download again if you have no little round bullets in widget lists, in the new “default style”:

Atahualpa 3.4.7 released, with Import/Export feature

3.4.7 has several bug fixes http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=5279 and a long awaited new feature, a style import/export feature, including 2 extra styles (one being the old, “classic” style), and the DB queries are reduced from 200+ to 1 per pageview.

Download Atahualpa Version 3.4.7
(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)

Atahualpa 3.4.6 released

The post thumbnail size couldn’t be changed, and this bug also affected the “Configure Excerpts” options, see http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=5750

Please ask questions at the BFA WordPress Forum

Download Atahualpa Version 3.4.6
(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)

ThemeFrame at Beta 6 now

We are at Beta 6 now and moving forward quickly.

Get lifetime access to ThemeFrame with a donation of $80 at forum.bytesforall.com.

HowTo: Become a (free) member at forum.bytesforall.com first, then – while being logged in at the forum – make your donation by clicking the Donate button, then send a PM (Private Message) to Flynn to get added to the ThemeFrame user group (already over 300 users!).

Once the ThemeFrame Release Candidate 1 is available – which won’t take very long from now on –   this opportunity for early adopters will be gone, and ThemeFrame will cost well over $100.

If you get in now you only pay the reduced price of $80 and get lifetime access to all future upgrades of ThemeFrame.

What is ThemeFrame? ThemeFrame is a WordPress Theme creation application for Windows & Mac.

  • “WYSIWYG” (What you see is what you get) functionality
  • Drag & Drop
  • Live Preview
  • Creates white-label, standalone WordPress Themes.
  • No coding (neither PHP nor CSS) required.
  • Thousands of settings, all done with the mouse – no coding

ThemeFrame Beta is available

The Beta version of ThemeFrame, a WYSIWYG WordPress Theme creator, is available at forum.bytesforall.com

We’re at Beta 3 at the moment and you can get lifetime access to TF downloads and the TF community & WIKI as a $40+ donor at http://forum.bytesforall.com/

Become a (free) member at the forum first, then click the donation link to make a $40 donation, to be added to the ThemeFrame member group.

The price will go up as ThemeFrame is being improved and extended. If you become a TF member now, you won’t be affected by this.

ThemeFrame Beta is available

Atahualpa 3.4.5 released

Update: 3.4.5 wasn’t compatible with WP 2.8 and older (no check whether the new post thumbnails function is available). The first 4 downloads had this issue.

This is fixed in the download below – which is now version 

With Post Thumbnails, a new feature of WordPress 2.9, plus a fix for a drop down menu issue in IE 8.

Please ask questions at the BFA WordPress Forum

Download Atahualpa Version 3.7.5

For a preview see http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/atahualpa

Atahualpa 3.4.5 with post thumbnails

Atahualpa 3.4.4 released

A few smaller bug fixes, see http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=3595

Please ask questions at the BFA WordPress Forum

Download Atahualpa Version 3.7.3

For a preview see http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/atahualpa

There will be no new version in Oct. I will be away for the first three weeks of October, with very limited internet access. The forum will be active but on the blog, comments will have to stay in queue until I am back.

Atahualpa 3.4.3 released

The “Add custom widget areas” should be working well now. Many other bugfixes, see http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=2393

Please ask questions at the BFA WordPress Forum

Download Atahualpa Version 3.7.2

For a preview see http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/atahualpa

There’s a hardcoded blogroll in the right sidebar which will be removed in a new update in 1-2 days. For now you could just delete it yourself if you wish: http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=3602

ThemeFrame is around the corner

I should post more here but I am 100% busy with Atahualpa, the forum at forum.bytesforall.com and ThemeFrame.com which will see a Beta release within a couple days.

ThemeFrame is coming