UPDATE: Atahualpa 3.6.7 released.
In 3.6.7:
- custom widget areas work again, same usage
- plus 2 more bugfixes (1 Typo and this )
In 3.6.6:
This version has 2 big changes due to changes in the requirements for themes listed at wordpress.org (no file operations, no custom PHP code):
- No file operations: Import settings by copying the (content of) the settings file and pasting it into the Atahualpa Theme options – instead of being able to directly upload the settings file. Not a big hassle I think. You probably won’t be importing styles all the time.
- No custom PHP code anymore: After the “Eval” function was not permitted anymore in themes, the alternative “stream wrappers” caused issues on all hosts where Suhosin was installed. The remaining option “temp. files” isn’t an option either because that requires file operations again. Atahualpa was one of few themes, if not the only one, to offer the ability to add custom PHP through theme options. This is not possible anymore in themes listed on wordpress.org. There might be workarounds or even alternative theme options in the near future, here or on the forum
See all 8 Bugfixes of Paul, at http://forum.bytesforall.com/forumdisplay.php?f=12, everthing with 364-XX and a few more by me.
Atahualpa (18287)
May 11th, 2011
Comments (55)
ThemeFrame Release Candidate available at ThemeFrame.com
Get ThemeFrame at a reduced price while it is in Release Candidate stage. The price will increase in steps as ThemeFrame improves, and will reach its regular price once the RC stage is over. Existing users aren’t affected by any price increases, you get a lifetime license, no recurring payments. The earlier you get ThemeFrame the more you will save.
ThemeFrame lets you create WordPress themes in a visual environment that runs in your browser, on your desktop computer. ThemeFrame is not a theme itself (like “Premium WordPress Themes” usually are), but a program that CREATES WP themes:

Check out the ThemeFrame screenshots, docs, videos, forum at themeframe.com
March 11th, 2011
Comments (21)
Download Atahualpa 3.6.4 here
Atahualpa (23318)
This version is in the review queue at wordpress.org but not listed yet
- 361-01: meta tags not appearing in generated source
- 361-02: Tab order on comment form incorrect when user is not logged in
- 361-03: Allow Tag widget links to use Atahualpa widget link styling.
- 361-04: Allow Custom Menu widget links to use same styling as Pages widget.
See also http://forum.bytesforall.com/forumdisplay.php?f=12
2 new options:
- “Style & configure LAYOUT” -> “Emulate IE7″. It defaults to ‘No’ and will only generate the line <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=EmulateIE7″ /> when set to ‘Yes’
- “Header Image” -> “Overlay Header Image”
Check out the BytesForAll Forum to discuss Atahualpa with other users
January 31st, 2011
Comments (41)
Download Atahualpa 3.6.1 here
This version is in the review queue at wordpress.org but not listed yet
- Added ‘global $templateURI, $homeURL’ to header.php
- Added ‘$templateURI’ to css.php
- Replaced ‘caller_get_posts’ (deprecated in WP 3.1) with new function ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ in footer.php line 35
- Removed unnecessary ‘return’ from bottom of functions/bfa_meta_tags.php
- Removed repetitive code from css.php
- Removed ‘canoncial URL’ and RSS feed URLs from html HEAD, WP is adding these now
- Moved ‘ddroundies’ JS code and wp_enqueue(jquery) from header.php to functions.php
- Replaced bloginfo( ‘url’ ) with echo home_url() in functions/bfa_header_config.php line 276
- Replaced get_bloginfo(‘text_direction’) with is_rtl() in functions/bfa_body_class.php
- Renamed GPL.txt to license.txt
- Permalink for posts without title: Instead of the title the word ‘Permalink’ is displayed and linked to the full post.
- Option “Show XHTML tags?” works again but is below the textarea now (it was above). This is more in line with the new WP comment_form() (using the new parameter ‘comment_notes_after’), instead of making something hackish to keep it above the form.
- Comment submit button is jQuery-enhanced again (Highlight on Hover)
- Comment form labels (“Name”, “Email”, “Website”) are on the right side of their input fields again.
- Added sample content to sidebar ‘right-inner’
- Added check for bfa_get_options in functions/bfa_get_options.php – [url]http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=12111[/url]
- Edited style.css from ‘0-6 sidebars’ to ‘0-4 sidebars’.

(P.S.: Download number was reset after server move)
Check out the BytesForAll Forum to discuss Atahualpa with other users
January 10th, 2011
Comments (25)
WordPress.org has changed the submission process for themes and also added quite a list of new requirements. Also, themes aren’t reviewed by Automattic employees anymore but by volunteers, i.e. theme and plugin authors.
This has various implications, one being that providing backwards compatibility with older WP versions has become an impossible task because the sheer existence of some older functions (pre WP3) will trigger an alert of the automated submission script at WordPress.org and the theme will be denied automatically.
So from now on Atahualpa will be ready for the current and the past WP version, but not for older WP versions. WordPress clearly does not want theme authors to provide too much backwards compatibility and rather see people upgrading to the new WP version all the time.
Consequently this 3.6 version has some old code removed and will very likely break with anything older than WP 3.0! So don’t use Atahualpa 3.6 if your WP version is older than 3.0!
One rather big change in 3.6 is that the PHP eval function that was used for custom code inserts (all the text areas in the Atahualpa admin where you can put PHP code) is now replaced by PHP stream wrappers. (“Eval” is also not allowed anymore).
Other changes:
- fixed many PHP notices
- replaced many deprecated WordPress functions with their new equivalents
- dozens of little changes requested by the new WordPress.org submission script, and by reviewers
Right now 3.6 is still in the queue3.6 is now available at WordPress.org but you can also download it here:

(P.S.: Download number was reset after server move)
Check out the BytesForAll Forum to discuss Atahualpa with other users
ADDED Jan 6 2011: A new version will follow within 2 weeks max to fix the issues posted below in the comments, and on the forum. There were so many (like 50+) changes in this version due to the new WordPress.org requirements. Now that these changes and fixes are done I can finally focus on user issues again.
ADDED Jan 8 2011: Please see http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=12048 for a fix for issues related to favicons and CSS.
January 4th, 2011
Comments (29)
ThemeFrame is at Beta 11 now (Update: now Beta 15)
The opportunity to get an unlimited lifetime license for only $80 will be over soon. The price of the official release will be significantly higher, but this won”t affect existing Beta users.As of today there are over 500 Beta users.
To get ThemeFrame Beta, visit ThemeFrame and see the 3-step process described at the bottom of the page.
Here is a new ThemeFrame Video, here is the Forum where you can ask Presales questions, and here’s a current screenshot:

ThemeFrame is a very visual WordPress Theme Creation tool that runs on your desktop, in a browser. It creates unlimited standalone, white-label WP themes that you can use on unlimited sites for an unlimited time, you can even distribute/sell/give away the themes you create with ThemeFrame. ThemeFrame is not a WP theme itself, it does not install inside WordPress and does not require WordPress to run. Themes created with ThemeFrame don’t need ThemeFrame to run, they are standalone Themes in their own right.
Some Highlights:
- Drag & Drop Layout items
- CSS Inspector with Live Preview
- Color Pickers & Size Sliders
- Creates Standalone Themes
- Creates White-Label Themes
- Browser-Safe, incl. IE 6
- Up to 6 Sidebars
- Over 20 custom widget areas
- Export / Import Themes
- FTP Transfer built in
- … actively developed, with active forum, with moderators
ThemeFrame creates typical WordPress themes where everything is at the expected place, with a common structure based on page templates. This causes slightly more legwork if you wanted to do manual edits, but it is much easier to understand and most of the WP related info on the web is geared towards themes with a page template based structure.
You’ll be working with real CSS (just not typing it) and with typical page templates following the WordPress template hierarchy. ThemeFrame doesn’t try to lock you in or make you learn proprietary techniques or code. You can take a TF created theme, open its files in a text editor and edit the files if you wanted to.
ThemeFrame is for
- site owners
- web designers
- web developers
August 25th, 2010
Comments (47)
This release includes several bug fixes, special thanks to Paul / Juggledad for finding & fixing these:

(P.S.: Download number was reset after server move)
Check out the Forum to discuss Atahualpa with other users
July 20th, 2010
Comments (67)
New in 3.5.2:
- New WP 3+ menu system integrated with 2 “Menu Locations”: “Menu 1” and “Menu 2”. The old “Page Menu Bar” and “Category Menu Bar” keep working if you don’t setup a menu with the new system. You can also use 1 new menu and 1 old menu, i.e. “Menu 1” and “Category Menu Bar”. Only 2 menus total can be used at a time.
- Style Export/Import system now in JSON format instead of serialized/base64_encode which leads to the following issue IF you exported a settings file in 3.5.1:
- If you have a custom style that you exported in Atahualpa 3.5.1 (=base64), and you want to import that into Atahualpa 3.5.2 (JSON) then you’d need to do some legwork: Download this zip file , extract it, rename the file “uploadBASE64.php” to “upload.php” and replace the existing “upload.php” inside 3.5.2 with this new file. This adds the missing base64 functionality back into 3.5.2. The reason that this isn’t simply integrated in 3.5.2 is that WordPress.org won’t list the theme that way because base64 tends to be misused to hide malicious code etc. – I should have thought about that.
- If you don’t have existing styles that you want to import then you do not need to do the steps described above

(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)
Check out the Forum to discuss Atahualpa with other users
July 19th, 2010
Comments (12)
This is a relatively good version. I suggest that you upgrade unless you’re completely happy with your current version. Updating just means uploading the new theme directory (/atahualpa351/) into /wp-content/themes/ so that you end up with /wp-content/themes/atahualpa351. Then choose the new theme (version) at WP Admin -> Appearance -> Themes.
This version has smooth animation for the page and category menu bars, and a new default style in addition to the existing new styles.Discuss this release at the forum

(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)
P.S.: The menu bar animation doesn’t display properly in IE, at least in certain cases. It will be fully browser compatible in the next Atahualpa version. Note: This animation is not turned on by default. See Atahualpa Theme Options.
How to import other styles: There are several additional styles in /atahualpa/styles/ such as “ata-round.txt” etc… You can start using these new styles by importing these style files into Atahualpa, see Atahualpa Theme Options.
May 27th, 2010
Comments (80)
This has fading header images as a new feature plus a new style, see /atahualpa/styles/ata-adsense.txt
Discuss this release at the forum

(PS: Download numbers were reset after server move)
Thanks for the Belorussian translation by Patricia
Check the languages section of the forum for this and other translations. I will update this list and link to other translators as well. Feel free to send me a PM on the forum if you don’t appear here within the next weeks.
May 26th, 2010
Comments (5)