v 2.01 released, see below
you may want to wait a day or three before making too many manual modifications on v. 2.01. (Settings that you made on the theme’s options page will be recognized and carried over to the new version 2.2 when you install 2.2 – at least most of the settings.)

For WordPress 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.6, and all common browsers including IE6.
2 or 3 columns, FLUID width, widget ready, options page, rotating (or static) header image(s), custom logo icon (or none), related posts, popular posts, popular posts in current category, WP-Print, WP-Email, WP-Pagenavi, Subscribe to comments, Gravatars, WP2.6 image captions, highlighted author comments, SEO features, source ordered, table-free, valid XHTML, GPL licensed.
New in 2.0:
- Popular Posts feature via the Plugin Most Commented (Integrated into the theme as a function). Based on number of comments per post. On category pages, it will display the popular posts in the given category.
- Option to remove left or right sidebar to get a 2 column layout with one click.
- Custom, integrated version of “Related Posts“. Plugin is provided with the theme.
- Gravatar support. For older WP versions, too.
- Rotating Header Images. (Optional, you can still have a static header image)
- Greatly improved comment area styling. Blog owner comments now highlighted.
- Option to modify/remove the opacity on both sides of the header image.
- Option to remove the logo icon on the left hand side of the blog title on the options page. You can add your own logo icon, too.
- New WordPress 2.6 classes for image caption and image alignment
- “Home” link on the top nav bar
- Javascript color picker (jscolor) and a few additional options on the options page.
- Now licensed as GNU/GPL
Plug & Play these Plugins:
Some of these plugins were slightly modified, i.e. the “Related Posts” plugin would display “No related posts” if there were none, I changed it to not display anything if there’s nothing to display. Use the plugins that are provided with the theme.
If you want to keep your existing version 1.0 and run both untill you’ve carried over your existing modifications, you can do this easily: Atahualpa 2.0 will be in the directory /wp-content/themes/atahualpa2/ whereas the old Atahualpa version 1.0 stays in /wp-content/themes/atahualpa/.
There was an error in the meta tags of single posts and pages when you used quotes or double quotes in the title. The error has been fixed in the download above. Around 90 people have downloaded the inital version 2.0, and some of them have already updated to 2.01. The fixed version has the version number 2.01 in the style.css. If your version says “2.0” in style.css (because you downloaded an earlier version), please download again, or, if you rather not download/upload the whole theme again, simply replace
with the new bfa_meta_tags.php which you can download here (unzip and upload/overwrite the old bfa_meta_tags.php with this new file).
I am sorry for the inconvenience. Again, the download above IS fixed (and the download at wordpress.org is fixed, too, the broken version was never on wordpress.org).
Changelog from version 2.0 -> 2.01:
- Meta title tag was broken: If you used quotes or double quotes in post or page titles, those quotes would be encoded twice, once by WP and once by the theme, leading to wrong XHTML markup. Apparently WP does this for post titles, page titles and tag titles, but not for search query terms and category titles. FIXED: Now the theme will do the ASCII code thingy only where WP doesn’t, and leave the rest to WP.
- When you create categories in WP you can give them a description, in the admin area. The Atahualpa Theme will use that category description for the meta description tag of a category page. (If you didn’t give the category a description, no meta description tag will be created for that category page). That was the plan but it didn’t work because, surprisingly, the WP function category_description() seems to include a paragraph tag at the start and end of that description. I had not thought about stripping html tags from that function. FIXED.
- When I wrote the README.txt I had “atahualpa” in mind as the directory name for the theme. The final directory name became “atahualpa2” so users of the initial Atahualpa (1.0) release would be able to run both simultaneously. I forgot to change all occurrences of Atahualpa in README.txt to atahualpa2. FIXED.
This is a rather mature and well tested theme. I’ve triple checked a lot of things but the above mentioned things managed to slip through.
Changelog from version 1.0 -> 2.0:
- Meta tags were partially broken, wrong XHTML, or missing, under certain circumstances: Fixed & completely revamped and improved meta tag generation
- The styling of the default “Recent Comments” widget was messed up, fixed by integrating the plugin “Simple Recent Comments” into the theme.
- Older/newer entries link was missing at the bottom of home and archive pages, fixed.
- The plugin WP-Email used to create 3 forms instead of 1 when in “standalone” mode, fixed.
- Current page wasn’t highlighted in top nav bar in WP 2.6, fixed
- Calendar widget wasn’t styled, fixed
- Smilies had no own style and got the (too big) default margin of images , fixed
- Made the search box in the header to stay in line with the width of the right sidebar.
- Margin around header image was bigger than wanted in IE6, fixed
- Cleaned up the code a bit, should be easier now to make your own modifications
The other themes will get similar fixes & improvements shortly.
August 10th, 2008
Comments (247)